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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Class DrawingItem

Name Description
drawingLayerId Returns the id of a DrawingLayer where the DrawingItem is drawn.
mediaType Returns the mediaType of the DrawingItem.
coordinateBase Sets or returns the coordinateBase which determines the meaning of the coordinates of the DrawingItem.
drawingStyleId Sets or returns the id of the DrawingStyle that applies to the DrawingItem.
getState() Returns the state of the DrawingItem.
on() Adds an event listener to the DrawingItem for the event specified by eventName.
off() Removes an event listener to the DrawingItem for the event specified by eventName.
addNote() Adds a Note to this DrawingItem.
getNote() Returns a Note specified by its name.
hasNote() Returns whether a Note with the specified name exists on this DrawingItem.
updateNote() Updates the content of a Note specified by its name.
deleteNote() Deletes a Note specified by its name.
getAllNotes() Returns all Notes on the DrawingItem.
clearNotes() Deletes all Notes on the DrawingItem.

Child classes based on DrawingItem:

Class LineDrawingItem

Name Description
LineDrawingItem() Constructor of a LineDrawingItem.
getLine() Returns the LineSegment object the item is based on.
setLine() Specifies a LineSegment object to be used for drawing the line.

Class RectDrawingItem

Name Description
RectDrawingItem() Constructor of a RectDrawingItem.
getRect() Returns the Rect object the item is based on.
setRect() Specifies a Rect object to be used for drawing the item.

Class QuadDrawingItem

Name Description
QuadDrawingItem() Constructor of a QuadDrawingItem.
getQuad() Returns the Quadrilateral object the item is based on.
setQuad() Specifies a Quadrilateral object to be used for drawing the item.

Class TextDrawingItem

Name Description
TextDrawingItem() Constructor of a TextDrawingItem.
getText() Returns the text drawn.
setText() Specifies the text to draw.
getTextRect() Returns the Rect object which determines where the text is drawn.
setTextRect() Specifies a Rect object in which the text is drawn.

Class ImageDrawingItem

Name Description
ImageDrawingItem() Constructor of an ImageDrawingItem.
getImage() Returns the image drawn.
setImage() Specifies the image to draw.
getImageRect() Returns the Rect object which determines where the image is drawn.
setImageRect() Specifies a Rect object in which the image is drawn.


Returns the id of a DrawingLayer where the DrawingItem is drawn.

readonly drawingLayerId: number;


Returns the mediaType of the DrawingItem.

readonly mediaType: EnumDrawingItemMediaType;


Returns the coordinateBase which determines the meaning of the coordinates of the DrawingItem.

coordinateBase: string;


Sets or returns the id of the DrawingStyle that applies to the DrawingItem.

drawingStyleId?: number;


Returns the state of the DrawingItem.

getState(): EnumDrawingItemState;

Return Value

A value of type EnumDrawingItemState.

See also



Adds an event listener to the DrawingItem for the event specified by eventName.

on(eventName: string, listener(event: DrawingItemEvent): void): void;


eventName: The name of the event you want to listen to.

listener(): A function that will be called when the specified event occurs.

Allowed events are: mousedown, mouseup, dblclick, mouseover and mouseout.

See also



Removes an event listener to the DrawingItem for the event specified by eventName.

off(eventName: string, listener(event: DrawingItemEvent): void): void;


eventName: The name of the event you want to listen to.

listener(): A function that will be called when the specified event occurs.

See also




Adds a Note to this DrawingItem.

addNote(note: Note, replace?: boolean): void;


note: Expects an object that implements the Note interface. replace(optional): Determines whether to replace the Note if the name of the Note already exists.

See also



Returns a Note specified by its name.

getNote(name: string): Note;


name: The expects string representing the name of the note.

Return Value

The corresponding Note object based on the provided name.


Returns whether a Note with the specified name exists on this DrawingItem.

hasNote(name: string): boolean;


name: The expects string representing the name of the note.

Return Value

A value of boolean indicates whether a specific note exists with the given name.


Updates the content of a Note specified by its name.

updateNote(name: string, content: any, mergeContent?: boolean): void;


name: The string representing the name of the note.

content: The content of the note.

mergeContent(optional): If this parameter is set to true, then the new content is added to the Note alongside the original content.


Deletes a Note specified by its name.

deleteNote(name: string): void;


name: The string representing the name of the note.


Returns all Notes on the DrawingItem.

getAllNotes(): Array<Note>;

Return Value

Returns an array of all Notes on the DrawingItem.


Deletes all Notes on the DrawingItem.

clearNotes(): void;


Constructor of a LineDrawingItem.

constructor(line: LineSegment, drawingStyleId?: number);

See also



Returns the LineSegment object the item is based on.

getLine(): LineSegment;

Return Value

Returns the line of type LineSegment.


Specifies a LineSegment object to be used for drawing the line.

setLine(line: LineSegment): void;


line: A line of type LineSegment.


Constructor of a RectDrawingItem.

constructor(rect: Rect, drawingStyleId?: number);

See also



Returns the Rect object the item is based on.

getRect(): Rect;

Return Value

Returns the rectangle of type Rect.


Specifies a Rect object to be used for drawing the item.

setRect(rect: Rect): void;


rect: A rectangle of type Rect.


Constructor of a QuadDrawingItem.

constructor(quad: Quadrilateral, drawingStyleId?: number);

See also



Returns the Quadrilateral object the item is based on.

getQuad(): Quadrilateral;

Return Value

Returns the rectangle of type Quadrilateral.


Specifies a Quadrilateral object to be used for drawing the item.

setQuad(quad: Quadrilateral): void;


quad: A quadrilateral of type Quadrilateral.


Constructor of a TextDrawingItem.

constructor(text: string, rect: Rect, drawingStyleId?: number);


Returns the text drawn.

getText(): string;

Return Value

Returns the text of type string.


Specifies the text to draw.

setText(text: string): void;


text: A text string.


Returns the Rect object which determines where the text is drawn.

getTextRect(): Rect;

Return Value

Returns the rectangle of type Rect.


Specifies a Rect object in which the text is drawn.

setTextRect(rect: Rect): void;


rect: A rectangle of type Rect.


Constructor of an ImageDrawingItem.

    image: DSImageData | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement,
    rect: Rect,
    drawingStyleId?: number);


image: The image data.

rect: Outer rectangle border of the image.

drawingStyleId(optional): Specifies the DrawingStyle that applies to this ImageDrawingItem.

See also



Returns the image drawn.

getImage(): DSImageData | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement;


Specifies the image to draw.

setImage(image: DSImageData | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement): void;


Returns the Rect object which determines where the image is drawn.

getImageRect(): Rect;

Return Value

Returns the image located rectangle of type Rect.


Specifies a Rect object in which the image is drawn.

setImageRect(rect: Rect): void;


rect: A rectangle of type Rect.

version 4.0.0

  • version 4.0.2
  • Version 4.x
    • Version 4.0.2
    • Version 4.0.1
    • Version 4.0.0
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.3.10
    • Version 3.3.9
    • Version 3.3.8
    • Version 3.3.7
    • Version 3.3.6
    • Version 3.3.5
    • Version 3.3.4
    • Version 3.3.3
    • Version 3.3.2
    • Version 3.3.1
    • Version 3.3.0
    • Version 3.2.0
    • Version 3.1.0
    • Version 3.0.1
    • Version 3.0.0
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.3.5
    • Version 2.3.2
    • Version 2.3.1
    • Version 2.3.0
    • Version 2.1.4
    • Version 2.1.3
    • Version 2.1.0
    • Version 2.0.0
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