Table of contents

Advanced Settings Methods

Method Description
InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile Initializes runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.
InitRuntimeSettingsWithString Initializes runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string.
AppendTplFileToRuntimeSettings Appends a new template file to the current runtime settings.
AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings Appends a new template string to the current runtime settings.
GetAllParameterTemplateNames Gets the parameter templates name array.
OutputSettingsToFile Outputs runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).
OutputSettingsToString Outputs runtime settings to a string.


Initialize runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.

EnumErrorCode Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile(string jsonFileName, EnumConflictMode conflictMode, out string errorMessage)

[in] jsonFileName <string> : The path of the settings file.
[in] conflictMode <EnumConflictMode> : The parameter setting mode, which decides to inherit parameters from previous template setting or overwrite previous settings and replace by new template.
[in,out] errorMessage <string> : Output parameter storing detailed error message.

Return Value
Returns error code.

Code Snippet

string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = BarcodeReader.GetInstance();
if (reader != null)
    string errorMessage;
    EnumErrorCode error = reader.InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Templates\RuntimeSettings.json",     EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE, out errorMessage);
	//... add further process


Initialize runtime settings with the settings in given JSON string.

EnumErrorCode Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.InitRuntimeSettingsWithString(string jsonContent, EnumConflictMode conflictMode, out string errorMessage)

[in] jsonContent <string> : A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
[in] conflictMode <EnumConflictMode> : The parameter setting mode, which decides to inherit parameters from previous template setting or overwrite previous settings and replace by new template.
[in,out] errorMessage <string> : Output parameter storing detailed error message.

Return Value
Returns error code.

Code Snippet

string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = BarcodeReader.GetInstance();
if (reader != null)
	string errorMessage;
	EnumErrorCode error = reader.InitRuntimeSettingsWithString("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_QR_CODE\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":10}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE, out errorMessage);
	//... add further process


Append a new template file to the current runtime settings.

EnumErrorCode Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.AppendTplFileToRuntimeSettings(string jsonFileName, EnumConflictMode conflictMode, out string errorMessage)

[in] jsonFileName <string> : The path of the settings file.
[in] conflictMode <EnumConflictMode> : The parameter setting mode, which decides to inherit parameters from previous template setting or overwrite previous settings and replace by new template.
[in,out] errorMessage <string> : Output parameter storing detailed error message.

Return Value
Returns error code.

Code Snippet

string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = BarcodeReader.GetInstance();
if (reader != null)
	string errorMessage;
	EnumErrorCode error = reader.AppendTplFileToRuntimeSettings(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\Barcode Reader 6.4\Templates\RuntimeSettings.json", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE, out errorMessage);
	//... add further process


Append a new template string to the current runtime settings.

EnumErrorCode Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings(string  jsonContent, EnumConflictMode  conflictMode, out string errorMessage) 

[in] jsonContent <string> : A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
[in] conflictMode <EnumConflictMode> : The parameter setting mode, which decides to inherit parameters from previous template setting or overwrite previous settings and replace by new template.
[in,out] errorMessage <string> : Output parameter storing detailed error message.

Return Value
Returns error code.

Code Snippet

string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = BarcodeReader.GetInstance();
if (reader != null)
	string errorMessage;
	EnumErrorCode error = reader.AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_QR_CODE\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":10}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_IGNORE, out errorMessage);
	//... add further process


Gets the parameter templates name array.

string[] Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.GetAllParameterTemplateNames()

Return Value
The template name array.

Code Snippet

string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = BarcodeReader.GetInstance();
if (reader != null)
	string errorMessage;
	reader.InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Templates\RuntimeSettings.json", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE, out errorMessage);
	reader.AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_QR_CODE\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":10}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_IGNORE, out errorMessage);
	string[] templateNameArray = reader.GetAllParameterTemplateNames();
	//... add further process


Output runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).

void Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.OutputSettingsToFile(string outputFilePath, string settingsName)

[in] outputFilePath <string> : The output file path which stores current settings.
[in] settingsName <string> : A unique name for declaring current runtime settings.

BarcodeReaderException The exception thrown by Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.

Code Snippet

string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = BarcodeReader.GetInstance();
if (reader != null)
	string errorMessage;
	reader.InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Templates\RuntimeSettings.json", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE, out errorMessage);
	reader.AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_QR_CODE\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":10}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_IGNORE, out errorMessage);
	reader.OutputSettingsToFile(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Templates\CurrentRuntimeSettings.json", "currentRuntimeSettings");
	//... add further process


Output runtime settings to a string.

string Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeReader.OutputSettingsToString(string settingsName)

[in] settingsName <string> : A unique name for declaring current runtime settings.

Return Value
The output string which stores the contents of current settings.

BarcodeReaderExceptionThe exception thrown by Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.

Code Snippet

string errorMsg;
BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg);
BarcodeReader reader = BarcodeReader.GetInstance();
if (reader != null)
	string errorMessage;
	reader.InitRuntimeSettingsWithFile(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dynamsoft\{Version number}\Templates\RuntimeSettings.json", EnumConflictMode.CM_OVERWRITE, out errorMessage);
	reader.AppendTplStringToRuntimeSettings("{\"Version\":\"3.0\", \"ImageParameter\":{\"Name\":\"IP1\", \"BarcodeFormatIds\":[\"BF_QR_CODE\"], \"ExpectedBarcodesCount\":10}}", EnumConflictMode.CM_IGNORE, out errorMessage);
	string currentSettings = reader.OutputSettingsToString("currentRuntimeSettings");
	//... add further process