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Scan Multi-Page Documents with Mobile Web Capture


Read the Introduction before proceeding.

Mobile Web Capture (MWC) is an SDK designed for scanning multi-page documents. It integrates Dynamsoft Document Scanner (DDS) functionality while offering additional features such as multi-document management, annotation, and uploading, making it a comprehensive solution for managing complex document workflows.

See it in action with the Mobile Web Capture Demo.

This guide walks you through building a web application that scans multi-page documents using MWC, with pre-defined configurations.

If you are looking for a solution that scans single-page documents, please read Dynamsoft Document Scanner User Guide instead.


Get a Trial License

If you haven’t got a trial license for MWC, you can request one through our customer portal. The trial license can be renewed twice, offering a total of two months of free access.

DDS and MWC share the same license keys. If you already have a DDS license, you can use it for MWC, and vice versa.

Get a Full License

To purchase a full license, contact us.

Quick Start

To use MWC, the first step is to obtain its library files. You can acquire them from one of the following sources:

  1. GitHub – Contains the source files for the MWC SDK, which can be compiled into library files.
  2. npm – Provides precompiled library files via npm for easier installation.
  3. CDN – Delivers precompiled library files through a CDN for quick and seamless integration.

You can choose one of the following methods to set up a Hello World page:

  1. Build from Source – Download the source files from GitHub and compile the resource script yourself.
  2. Using Precompiled Script – Use the precompiled resource scripts from npm or the CDN for a quicker setup.

Option 1: Build from Source

This method retrieves all MWC source files from its GitHub Repository, compiles them into a distributable package, and then runs a ready-made Hello World sample page included in the repository.

Follow these steps:

  1. Download MWC from GitHub as a compressed folder.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive.
  3. Enter the license key you received in Get a Trial License.

    In your code editor, open the Hello World sample located at /samples/hello-world.html. Search for "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" and replace it with your actual license key.

  4. Install project dependencies In the terminal, navigate to the project root directory and run:
     npm install
  5. Build the project After the dependencies are installed, build the project by running:
     npm run build
  6. Serve the project locally Start the local server by running:
     npm run serve

    Once the server is running, open the application in a browser using the address provided in the terminal output after running npm run serve.

    See the server configuration details in /dev-server/index.js.

Option 2: Use Precompiled Script

Since the MWC library files are published on npm, it’s easy to reference them from a CDN.

To use the precompiled script, simply include the following URL in a <script> tag:

<script src=""></script>

Below is the complete Hello World sample page that uses this precompiled script from a CDN.

This code is identical to the /samples/hello-world.html file mentioned in the Build from Source section, except for the script source.

Don’t forget to replace "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" with your actual license key.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Mobile Web Capture - Hello World</title>
    <script src=""></script>
      // Instantiate a Mobile Web Capture Object
      const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
        license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
      (async () => {
        // Launch the Mobile Web Capture Instance
        const fileName = `New_Document_${}`;
        await mobileWebCapture.launch(fileName);

To run the sample, create a new file called hello-world.html, then copy and paste the code above into the file. Next, serve the page directly by deploying it to a server.

If you are using VS Code, a quick and easy way to serve the project is using the Five Server VSCode extension. Simply install the extension, open the hello-world.html file in the editor, and click “Go Live” in the bottom right corner of the editor. This will serve the application at

Alternatively, you can use other methods like IIS or Apache to serve the project, though we won’t cover those here for brevity.

Hello World Sample Explained

Let’s walk through the code in the Hello World sample to understand how it works.

Instead of using the code above, an alternative way to view the full code is by visiting the Mobile Web Capture Hello World Sample.

Reference MWC

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Mobile Web Capture - Hello World</title>
    <script src="../dist/mwc.bundle.js"></script>
    <!--Alternatively, reference the script from CDN
    <script src=""></script>

In this step, MWC is referenced using a relative local path in the <head> section of the HTML.

<script src="../dist/mwc.bundle.js"></script>

Alternatively, the script can be referenced from a CDN:

<script src=""></script>

MWC wraps all its dependency scripts, so a MWC project only needs to include MWC itself as a single script. No additional dependency scripts are required.

IMPORTANT: Even if you reference the script locally, supporting resources like .wasm engine files are still loaded from the CDN at runtime. If you require a fully offline setup, follow the instructions in Self-Hosting Resource File.

Instantiate MWC

// Instantiate a Mobile Web Capture Object
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key

API Reference: MobileWebCapture()

This step creates the MWC UI, which, when launched, occupies the entire visible area of the browser window by default. If needed, you can specify a container to restrict the UI’s size. For more details, refer to Specify the UI Container.

A license key is required for the instantiation.

Launch MWC

const fileName = `New_Document_${}`; // Generates a unique filename to use as the initial document name
await mobileWebCapture.launch(fileName);

API Reference: launch()

This step launches the UI, starting in DocumentView, where the user can begin building a document in two ways:

Note: The DocumentView requires a document name, which is passed as a parameter in the launch() method.

  1. Capture: Capture image(s) of the document pages.
  2. Import: Import one or multiple images or PDF files.

Once a document has been created, the user can navigate between three views:

The DocumentView

The user can:

  1. Share: Share the document as a multi-page PDF file.

    Download is enabled where Share is not supported (e.g., in Firefox).

  2. Manage: Select one or multiple pages for further actions.
  3. ManageSelect All : Select all pages.
  4. ManageDelete : Delete selected pages from the document.
  5. ManageShare : Share individual pages as images (.PNG).

    Download is enabled where Share is not supported (e.g., in Firefox).

The user can also enable the “Upload” feature. Check out Enable File Upload

The PageView

When the user presses an image, the PageView is launched for that page, where the user can

  1. Delete : Remove the current page.
  2. Add Page : Add more pages to the document.
  3. Share : Share the current page as an image (.PNG).

    Download is enabled where Share is not supported (e.g., in Firefox).

  4. Edit : Display additional editing features to further process the page.
  5. EditCrop : Select a portion of the page and crop.
  6. EditRotate : Rotate the page 90 degrees counterclockwise.
  7. EditFilter : Adjust the page’s pixels.
  8. EditAnnotate : Add annotations to the page.

The user can also enable the “Upload” feature. Check out Enable File Upload

Next Step

Mobile Web Capture provides extensive customization options. Read on to explore the available customizations in the MWC Customization Guide.

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