C Functions
Method | Description |
DLR_CreateInstance |
Creates a Dynamsoft Label Recognizer instance. |
DLR_DestroyInstance |
Destroys an instance of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer. |
DLR_InitLicense |
Sets the license and activates the SDK. |
Create an instance of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer.
void* DLR_CreateInstance ()
Return value
Returns an instance of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer. If failed, returns NULL.
Code Snippet
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
Destroy the instance of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer.
void DLR_DestroyInstance (void* recognizer)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the Dynamsoft Label Recognizer instance.
Code Snippet
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
Sets product key and activate the SDK.
int DLR_InitLicense (const char* pLicense, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
[in] pLicense
The product keys.
[in, out] errorMsgBuffer
The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommending length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen
The length of allocated buffer.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
Method | Description |
DLR_GetRuntimeSettings |
Gets the current settings and saves it into a struct. |
DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettings |
Updates runtime settings with a given struct. |
DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettingsFromString |
Updates runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string. |
DLR_ResetRuntimeSettings |
Resets the runtime settings. |
DLR_AppendSettingsFromString |
Appends LabelRecognizerParameter settings in a string to the SDK object. |
DLR_AppendSettingsFromFile |
Appends LabelRecognizerParameter settings in a file to the SDK object. |
DLR_OutputSettingsToFile |
Outputs LabelRecognizerParameter settings into a file (JSON file). |
DLR_OutputSettingsToString |
Output runtime settings to a string. |
DLR_ClearAppendedSettings |
Clears appended LabelRecognizerParameter settings. |
DLR_UpdateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults |
Updates reference region which is defined with source type LST_BARCODE. |
DLR_GetModeArgument |
Get argument value for the specified mode parameter. |
DLR_SetModeArgument |
Set argument value for the specified mode parameter. |
Get current settings and save them into a DLR_RuntimeSettings
int DLR_GetRuntimeSettings (void* recognizer, DLR_RuntimeSettings* settings)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in,out] settings
The struct of runtime settings.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_RuntimeSettings settings;
int errorCode = DLR_GetRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings);
Update runtime settings with a given DLR_RuntimeSettings
int DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettings (void* recognizer, DLR_RuntimeSettings* settings, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] settings
The struct of runtime settings.
[in,out] errorMsgBuffer
The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommended length is 256.The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen
The length of the allocated buffer.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_RuntimeSettings settings;
int errorCode = DLR_GetRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings);
settings.maxThreadCount = 4;
DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings, errorMessage, 256);
Updates runtime settings with the parameters obtained from a JSON string.
int DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettingsFromString (void* recognizer, const char* content, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] content
A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
[in,out] errorMsgBuffer
The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommending length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen
The length of allocated buffer.
Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
const char* strJson = "{\"LabelRecognizerParameter\":{\"Name\":\"P1\", \"RegionPredetectionModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST\"}], \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]},\"ReferenceRegion\":{\"Name\":\"R1\",\"Localization\":{\"SourceType\":\"LST_PREDETECTED_REGION\",\"RegionPredetectionModesIndex\":0},\"TextAreaNameArray\":[\"T1\"]},\"TextArea\":{\"Name\":\"T1\",\"CharacterModelName\":\"Number\"}}";
DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettingsFromString(recognizer, strJson, errorMessage, 256);
Reset all runtime settings to default values.
int DLR_ResetRuntimeSettings (void* recognizer)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_RuntimeSettings settings;
int errorCode = DLR_GetRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings);
settings.maxThreadCount = 4;
DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings);
Append a new template string to the current label recognition instance.
int DLR_AppendSettingsFromString (void* recognizer, const char* content, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] content
A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
[in,out] errorMsgBuffer
The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommending length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen
The length of allocated buffer.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_AppendSettingsFromString(recognizer, "{\"LabelRecognizerParameter\":{\"Name\":\"P1\", \"RegionPredetectionModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST\"}], \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]},\"ReferenceRegion\":{\"Name\":\"R1\",\"Localization\":{\"SourceType\":\"LST_PREDETECTED_REGION\",\"RegionPredetectionModesIndex\":0},\"TextAreaNameArray\":[\"T1\"]},\"TextArea\":{\"Name\":\"T1\",\"CharacterModelName\":\"Number\"}}", errorMessage, 256);
Appends LabelRecognizerParameter settings in a file to the SDK object.
int DLR_AppendSettingsFromFile (void* recognizer, const char* filePath, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] filePath
The settings file path.
[in,out] errorMsgBuffer
The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommending length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen
The length of allocated buffer.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_AppendSettingsFromFile(recognizer, "your file path", errorMessage, 256);
Outputs runtime settings and save them into a settings file (JSON file).
int DLR_OutputSettingsToFile (void* recognizer, const char* filePath, const char* templateName)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] filePath
The path of the output file which stores current settings.
[in] templateName
A unique name for declaring current runtime settings.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_AppendSettingsFromString(recognizer, "{\"LabelRecognizerParameter\":{\"Name\":\"P1\", \"RegionPredetectionModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST\"}], \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]},\"ReferenceRegion\":{\"Name\":\"R1\",\"Localization\":{\"SourceType\":\"LST_PREDETECTED_REGION\",\"RegionPredetectionModesIndex\":0},\"TextAreaNameArray\":[\"T1\"]},\"TextArea\":{\"Name\":\"T1\",\"CharacterModelName\":\"Number\"}}", errorMessage, 256);
DLR_OutputSettingsToFile(recognizer, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dynamsoft\\{Version number}\\Templates\\CurrentRuntimeSettings.json", "currentRuntimeSettings");
Outputs runtime settings and save them into a settings file (JSON file).
int DLR_OutputSettingsToString (void* recognizer, char content[], const int contentLen, const char* pSettingsName)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in,out] content
The output string which stores the contents of current settings.
[in] contentLen
The length of output string.
[in] pSettingsName
A unique name for declaring current runtime settings.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
char conent[2048] = {0};
DLR_OutputSettingsToString(recognizer, content, 2048, "currentRuntimeSettings");
Clear all appended parameter settings of the current label recognition instance.
void DLR_ClearAppendedSettings (void* recognizer)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the Dynamsoft Label Recognizer instance.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
Updates reference region which is defined with source type DLR_LST_BARCODE.
int DLR_UpdateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults (void* recognizer, const BarcodeResultArray* barcodeResults, const char* templateName)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the Dynamsoft Label Recognizer instance.
[in] barcodeResults
The barcode results used to localize reference region. See also BarcodeResultArray
[in] templateName
The template name. A template name is the value of key LabelRecognizerParameter.Name defined in JSON formatted settings. If no template name is specified, current runtime settings will be used.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_AppendSettingsFromString(recognizer, "{\"LabelRecognizerParameter\":{\"Name\":\"P1\", \"RegionPredetectionModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST\"}], \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]},\"ReferenceRegion\":{\"Name\":\"R1\",\"Localization\":{\"SourceType\":\"LST_BARCODE\"},\"TextAreaNameArray\":[\"T1\"]},\"TextArea\":{\"Name\":\"T1\",\"CharacterModelName\":\"Number\"}}", errorMessage, 256);
//Get barcodeResults from Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK
DLR_UpdateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults(recognizer, barcodeResults, "P1");
Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.
int DLR_SetModeArgument (void* recognizer, const char* modesName, const int index, const char* argumentName, const char* argumentValue, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] modesName
The mode parameter name to set argument.
[in] index
The array index of mode parameter to indicate a specific mode.
[in] argumentName
The name of the argument to set.
[in] argumentValue
The value of the argument to set.
[in,out] errorMsgBuffer
The buffer is allocated by the caller and the recommended length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen
The length of the allocated buffer.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Check follow link for available modes and arguments:
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_RuntimeSettings settings;
int errorCode = DLR_GetRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings);
settings.furtherModes.regionPredetectionModes[0] = RPM_GENERAL_RGB_CONTRAST;
DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings, errorMessage, 256);
DLR_SetModeArgument(recognizer, "RegionPredetectionModes", 0, "AspectRatioRange", "100", errorMessage, 256);
Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.
int DLR_GetModeArgument (void* recognizer, const char* modesName, const int index, const char* argumentName, char valueBuffer[], const int valueBufferLen, char errorMsgBuffer[], const int errorMsgBufferLen)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] modesName
The mode parameter name to get argument.
[in] index
The array index of mode parameter to indicate a specific mode.
[in] argumentName
The name of the argument to get.
[in,out] valueBuffer
The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommended length is 480. The argument value would be copied to the buffer.
[in] valueBufferLen
The length of allocated buffer.
[in,out] errorMsgBuffer
The buffer is allocated by the caller and the recommended length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen
The length of the allocated buffer.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Check follow link for available modes and arguments:
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_RuntimeSettings settings;
int errorCode = DLR_GetRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings);
settings.furtherModes.regionPredetectionModes[0] = RPM_GENERAL_RGB_CONTRAST;
DLR_UpdateRuntimeSettings(recognizer, &settings, errorMessage, 256);
DLR_SetModeArgument(recognizer, "RegionPredetectionModes", 0, "AspectRatioRange", "100", errorMessage, 256);
DLR_GetModeArgument(recognizer, "RegionPredetectionModes", 0, "AspectRatioRange", argumentValue, 480, errorMessage, 256);
Method | Description |
DLR_RecognizeByBuffer |
Recognizes text from memory buffer containing image pixels in defined format. |
DLR_RecognizeByFile |
Recognizes text from a specified image file. |
DLR_RecognizeFileInMemory |
Recognizes text from an image file in memory. |
Recognizes text from the memory buffer containing image pixels in defined format.
int DLR_RecognizeByBuffer(void* recognizer, const ImageData* imageData, const char* templateName)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] imageData
A struct of ImageData
that represents an image.
[in] templateName
The template name. A template name is the value of key LabelRecognizerParameter.Name defined in JSON formatted settings. If no template name is specified, current runtime settings will be used.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
//Generate imageData from somewhere else
int errorCode = DLR_RecognizeByBuffer(recognizer, imageData, "");
Recognizes text from a specified image file.
int DLR_RecognizeByFile (void* recognizer, const char* fileName, const char* templateName)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] fileName
A string defining the file name.
[in] templateName
The template name. A template name is the value of key LabelRecognizerParameter.Name defined in JSON formatted settings. If no template name is specified, current runtime settings will be used.
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
int errorCode = DLR_RecognizeByFile(recognizer, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dynamsoft\\{Version number}\\Images\\AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.tif", "");
Recognizes text from a specified image file in memory.
int DLR_RecognizeFileInMemory (void* recognizer, const unsigned char* pFileBytes, const int fileSize, const char* pTemplateName)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[in] pFileBytes
The image file bytes in memory.
[in] fileSize
The length of the file bytes in memory.
[in] pTemplateName
The template name.
Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
unsigned char* pFileBytes;
int nFileSize = 0;
GetFileStream("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dynamsoft\\{Version number}\\Images\\AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.tif", &pFileBytes, &nFileSize);
int errorCode = DLR_RecognizeFileInMemory(recognizer, pFileBytes, nFileSize, "");
Method | Description |
DLR_GetAllResults |
Gets all recognized results. |
DLR_FreeResults |
Frees memory allocated for recognized results. |
Get all recognized results.
int DLR_GetAllResults (void* recognizer, DLR_ResultArray** results)
[in] recognizer
Handle of the label recognition instance.
[out] results
Recognized results returned by last calling function DLR_RecognizeByBuffer
/ DLR_RecognizeByFile
. The results is allocated by SDK and should be freed by calling function DLR_FreeResults
Return value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call DLR_GetErrorString
to get detailed error message.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_ResultArray * results = NULL;
int errorCode = DLR_RecognizeByFile(recognizer, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dynamsoft\\{Version number}\\Images\\AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.tif", "");
DLR_GetAllResults(recognizer, &results);
Free memory allocated for text results.
void DLR_FreeResults (DLR_ResultArray ** results)
[in] results
Recognized results.
Code Snippet
char errorMessage[256];
DLR_InitLicense("t0260NwAAAHV***************", errorMessage, 256);
void* recognizer = DLR_CreateInstance();
DLR_InitLicense(recognizer, "t0260NwAAAHV***************");
DLR_ResultArray * results = NULL;
int errorCode = DLR_RecognizeByFile(recognizer, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dynamsoft\\{Version number}\\Images\\AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.tif", "");
DLR_GetAllResults(recognizer, &results);
Method | Description |
DLR_GetErrorString |
Returns the error string. |
DLR_GetVersion |
Returns the version number string for the SDK. |
Get error message by error code.
const char* DLR_GetErrorString (int errorCode)
[in] errorCode
The error code.
Return value
The error message.
Code Snippet
const char* errorString = DLR_GetErrorString(errorCode);
Get version information of SDK.
const char* DLR_GetVersion ()
Return value
The version information string.
Code Snippet
const char* versionInfo = DLR_GetVersion();