Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
Dynamsoft Label Recognition - CLabelRecognition Class
Method | Description |
GetErrorString |
Returns the error string. |
GetVersion |
Returns the version number string for the SDK. |
Method | Description |
InitLicense |
Sets the license and activates the SDK. |
InitLTSConnectionParameters |
Initializes a DM_LTSConnectionParameters struct with default values. |
InitLicenseFromLTS |
Initializes the label recognition license and connects to the specified server for online verification. |
Method | Description |
GetRuntimeSettings |
Gets the current settings and saves it into a struct. |
UpdateRuntimeSettings |
Updates runtime settings with a given struct. |
ResetRuntimeSettings |
Resets the runtime settings. |
AppendSettingsFromString |
Appends LabelRecognitionParameter settings in a string to the SDK object. |
AppendSettingsFromFile |
Appends LabelRecognitionParameter settings in a file to the SDK object. |
OutputSettingsToFile |
Outputs LabelRecognitionParameter settings into a file (JSON file). |
ClearAppendedSettings |
Clear all appended LabelRecognitionParameter settings in the SDK object. |
UpdateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults |
Updates reference region which is defined with source type DLR_LST_BARCODE. |
GetModeArgument |
Get argument value for the specified mode parameter. |
SetModeArgument |
Set argument value for the specified mode parameter. |
Method | Description |
RecognizeByBuffer |
Recognizes text from memory buffer containing image pixels in defined format. |
RecognizeByFile |
Recognizes text from a specified image file. |
Method | Description |
GetAllDLRResults |
Gets all recognized results. |
FreeDLRResults |
Frees memory allocated for recognized results. |