Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
You are viewing a history document page of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer iOS v2.2.20.
is the protocol to handle callback when label recognition results are output.
@protocol LabelResultListener
Method | Description |
labelResultCallback |
If ImageSource is correctly configured, the callback is triggered each time when label recognition results are output. |
- (void)labelResultCallback:(NSInteger)frameId imageData:(iImageData *_Nonnull)imageData results:(NSArray<iDLRResult*>* _Nullable)results;
[in] frameId
The ID of the frame.
[in] imageData
The image data of frame.
[in] results
Recognized label results of the frame.
Code Snippet
- Objective-C
- Swift
@interface ViewController ()<LabelResultListener> @property (nonatomic, strong) DynamsoftLabelRecognizer *labelRecognizer; @property (nonatomic, strong) DynamsoftCameraEnhancer *cameraEnhancer; @property (nonatomic, strong) DCECameraView *dceView; - (void)configureDLR { // Setup Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer self.dceView = [[DCECameraView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds]; self.cameraEnhancer = [[DynamsoftCameraEnhancer alloc] initWithView:self.dceView]; [self.view addSubview:self.dceView]; // Initialize Dynamsoft Label Recognizer recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognizer alloc] init]; // Trigger setImageSource [self.labelRecognizer setImageSource:self.cameraEnhancer]; [self.labelRecognizer setLabelResultListener:self]; [self.cameraEnhancer open]; [self.labelRecognizer startScanning]; } - (void)labelResultCallback:(NSInteger)frameId imageData:(iImageData *)imageData results:(NSArray<iDLRResult *> *)results { // Add your code to do with label recognition results }
class ViewController: BaseViewController, LabelResultListener { var labelRecognizer: DynamsoftLabelRecognizer! var cameraEnhancer: DynamsoftCameraEnhancer! var dceView: DCECameraView! func configureDLR() -> Void { // Setup Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer dceView = DCECameraView.init(frame: self.view.bounds) cameraEnhancer = DynamsoftCameraEnhancer.init(view: self.dceView) self.view.addSubview(self.dceView) // Initialize Dynamsoft Label Recognizer let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognizer() // Trigger setImageSource labelRecognizer.setImageSource(self.cameraEnhancer) labelRecognizer.setLabelResultListener(self) labelRecognizer.startScanning() } func labelResultCallback(_ frameId: Int, imageData: iImageData, results: [iDLRResult]?) { // Add your code to do with label recognition results } }