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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.


You are viewing a history document page of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer iOS v2.2.20.

Stores the reference region information.

@interface iDLRReferenceRegion : NSObject 


Attribute Type
localizationSourceType EnumLocalizationSourceType
location iQuadrilateral*
regionMeasuredByPercentage NSInteger
regionPredetectionModesIndex NSInteger
barcodeFormatIds NSInteger
barcodeFormatIds_2 NSInteger
barcodeTextRegExPattern NSString*



The source type used to localize the reference region(s).

NSInteger localizationSourceType

Value range

A value of EnumLocalizationSourceType Enumeration items.

Default value




Four vertexes in a clockwise direction of a quadrilateral. Index 0 represents the left-most vertex.

iQuadrilateral* location


It works only when localizationSourceType is setting to EnumLocalizationSourceTypeManualSpecification.

The library will localize reference region(s) based on the quadrilateral set by current setting.



Whether or not to use percentage to measure the coordinate.

NSInteger regionMeasuredByPercentage

Value Range

[0, 1]

Default value



When it’s set to 1, the values of points indicate percentage (from 0 to 100); Otherwise, they indicate coordinates in pixel.

  • 0: not by percentage
  • 1: by percentage

It works only when localizationSourceType is setting to EnumLocalizationSourceTypeManualSpecification.



The index of a specific region predetection mode in the regionPredetectionModes parameter.

NSInteger regionPredetectionModesIndex

Value Range

[-1, 0x7fffffff]

Default value



It works only when localizationSourceType is setting to EnumLocalizationSourceTypePredetectedRegion.
The library will localize reference region(s) based on the detected regions from the specified region predetection mode.
-1: all region predetection modes in the regionPredetectionModes parameter



The formats of the barcode in BarcodeFormat group 1.

NSInteger barcodeFormatIds

Value Range

A combined value of EnumBarcodeFormat Enumeration items

Default value



Barcode formats in BarcodeFormat group 1 can be combined.
It works only when localizationSourceType is setting to EnumLocalizationSourceTypeBarcode.
The library will localize reference region(s) based on the barcodes whose format meets current setting.



The formats of the barcode in BarcodeFormat group 2.

NSInteger barcodeFormatIds_2

Value Range

A combined value of EnumBarcodeFormat_2 Enumeration items

Default value



Barcode formats in BarcodeFormat group 2 can be combined.
It works only when localizationSourceType is setting to EnumLocalizationSourceTypeBarcode.
The library will localize reference region(s) based on the barcodes whose format meets current setting.



The regular express pattern of barcode text.

NSString* barcodeTextRegExPattern


It works only when localizationSourceType is setting to EnumLocalizationSourceTypeBarcode.
The library will localize reference region(s) based on the barcodes whose text meets current setting.

Version 3.2.30

    • version 3.2.30
    • Version 3.x
      • Version 3.0.20
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.20
      • Version 2.0.0
    • Version 1.x
      • Version 1.2.1
      • Version 1.2.0
      • Version 1.0.0
    Change +