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Dynamsoft Label Recognition SDK - TextArea Object

Parameter Name Description
TextArea.Name The name of the TextArea object.
TextArea.FirstPoint The first point of the text area, which is usually the top-left corner.
TextArea.SecondPoint The second point of the text area, which is usually the top-right corner.
TextArea.ThirdPoint The third point of the text area, which is usually the bottom-right corner.
TextArea.FourthPoint The fourth point of the text area, which is usually the bottom-left corner.
TextArea.CharacterModelName Sets the name of a white list of recognizable characters.
TextArea.GrayscaleTransformationModes Sets the mode and priority for the grayscale image conversion.
TextArea.LetterHeightRange Sets the range of letter height (in pixel or a percentage value relative to the height of the text area).
TextArea.LinesCount Sets the text lines count of the text area.
TextArea.LineSpecificationNameArray Specifies the name array of the LineSpecification objects which is relative to current TextArea.
TextArea.LineStringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of each line string text in current text area to recognize.
TextArea.TextAreaNameArray Specifies the name array of the TextAreas which is relative to current text area.
TextArea.TextRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of the text to recognize.

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