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LineSpecification Object

Parameter Name Description
LineSpecification.Name The name of the LineSpecification object.
LineSpecification.CharacterModelName Sets the name of a white list of recognizable characters.
LineSpecification.LineNumber The line number of the line targeted by the LineSpecification object.
LineSpecification.LineStringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of the string within a line.


The name of the LineSpecification object.

It must be a unique name.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LineSpecification Name string It must be a mandatory setting value.

Json Parameter Example




The line number of the line targeted by the LineSpecification object.


  1. The value is 1-based;
  2. ”” represents all lines.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Value Range Default Value
LineSpecification LineNumber string A string of one or more of the following data,separated by commas:
1. One int value which represents a specified line index;
2. One Expression, start index and stop index connected with “”-“”, which represents a specified line index range;

Json Parameter Example

    "LineNumber": "1,3,5,7-10"



Sets the name of a white list of recognizable characters.

If you set a character model, the result will only contain characters within the model.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LineSpecification CharacterModelName string ””

Json Parameter Example




Specifies the regular expression pattern of the string within a line.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LineSpecification LineStringRegExPattern string ””

Json Parameter Example



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In this article:

version 1.0

  • version 3.4.10
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.2.30
    • Version 3.2.20
    • Version 3.2.10
    • Version 3.2.0
    • Version 3.0.30
    • Version 3.0.20
    • Version 3.0.10
    • Version 3.0.0
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.20
    • Version 2.2.11
    • Version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.2.0
    • Version 2.0.0
  • Version 1.x
    • Version 1.2.1
    • Version 1.2
    • Version 1.0
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