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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

LabelRecognitionParameter Object

Parameter Name Description
LabelRecognitionParameter.Name The name of the LabelRecognitionParameter object.
LabelRecognitionParameter.BinarizationModes Sets the mode and priority for binarization.
LabelRecognitionParameter.CharacterModelName Sets the name of a white list of recognizable characters.
LabelRecognitionParameter.GrayscaleTransformationModes Sets the mode and priority for the grayscale image conversion.
LabelRecognitionParameter.LetterHeightRange Sets the range of letter height (in pixel or a percentage value relative to the height of the text area).
LabelRecognitionParameter.LinesCount Sets the text lines count of the text area.
LabelRecognitionParameter.LineStringLengthRange Sets the range of string length for each recognized line.
LabelRecognitionParameter.LineStringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of each line string text in current image to recognize.
LabelRecognitionParameter.MaxLineCharacterSpacing Sets the maximum spacing between characters treated as one line.
LabelRecognitionParameter.MaxThreadCount Sets the maximum number of threads the algorithm will use to recognize text.
LabelRecognitionParameter.Pages Sets the specific pages or the range of pages of a file (.tiff or .pdf) for label recognition.
LabelRecognitionParameter.ReferenceRegionNameArray The name array of the ReferenceRegion object(s).
LabelRecognitionParameter.RegionPredetectionModes Sets the region pre-detection mode for searching target regions.
LabelRecognitionParameter.TextStringLengthRange Sets the range of string length for each recognized text area.
LabelRecognitionParameter.TextRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of the text to recognize.
LabelRecognitionParameter.Timeout Sets the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that should be spent searching for labels on each page.


The name of the LabelRecognitionParameter object.

It must be a unique name.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter Name string It must be a mandatory setting value.

Json Parameter Example






Sets the name of a white list of recognizable characters.

If you set a character model, the result will only contain characters within the model.
All TextArea Objects without CharacterModelName set will be set from this setting.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter CharacterModelName string ””

Json Parameter Example






Sets the range of letter height (in pixel or a percentage value relative to the height of the text area).

Format: [MinHeight, MaxHeight, ByPercentage]
The allowed values for MinHeight/MaxHeight:
ByPercentage=0, [1, 0x7fffffff]
ByPercentage=1, [1, 100]
The allowed values for ByPercentage: [0,1]
All TextArea Objects without LetterHeightRange set will be set from this setting.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter LetterHeightRange int array [1,100,1]

Json Parameter Example




Sets the text lines count of the text area.


  • 0: line count is not certain.
  • All TextArea Objects without LinesCount set will be set from this setting.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Value Range Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter LinesCount int [0, 200] 0

Json Parameter Example




Sets the range of string length for each recognized line.

As Json Parameter

LineStringLengthRange as a JSON parameter is a JSON Object with two keys MinValue and MaxValue for setting the range of string length for each recognized line. Default values will be used if there is no manual setting.

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter LineStringLengthRange JSON Object null
  • Remarks
  • Value range of MinValue and MaxValue: [0, 0x7fffffff]
  • MaxValue >= MinValue

Json Parameter Example

    "LineStringLengthRange": [4,200]



Specifies the regular expression pattern of each line string text in current image to recognize.


  • All TextArea Objects without LineStringRegExPattern set will be set from this setting.
  • Supported regular expressions pattern syntax is same as TextRegExPattern.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter LineStringRegExPattern string ””

Json Parameter Example




Sets the maximum spacing between characters treated as one line.


  • 0: means automatically set by the library.
  • It is a percentage value relative to the average letter height of each line.
  • All TextArea Objects without MaxLineCharacterSpacing set will be set from this setting.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Value Range Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter MaxLineCharacterSpacing int [0, 0x7fffffff] 0

Json Parameter Example




Sets the maximum number of threads the algorithm will use to recognize text.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Value Range Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter MaxThreadCount int [1, 4] 4

Json Parameter Example




Sets the specific pages or the range of pages of a file (.tiff or .pdf) for label recognition.


  1. The value is 0-based;
  2. ”” represents all pages.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Value Range Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter Pages string A string of one or more of the following data, separated by commas:
1. One int value which represents a specified page index;
2. One Expression, start index and stop index connected with “”-“”, which represents a specified page index range;

Json Parameter Example

    "Pages": "0,3,5,7-10"



The name array of the ReferenceRegion object(s).

An array item is a name of any available ReferenceRegion.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter ReferenceRegionNameArray string Array null

Json Parameter Example






Sets the range of string length for each recognized text area.

As Json Parameter

TextStringLengthRange as a JSON parameter is a JSON Object with two keys MinValue and MaxValue for setting the range of string length for each recognized text area. Default values will be used if there is no manual setting.

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter TextStringLengthRange JSON Object null


  • Value range of MinValue and MaxValue: [0, 0x7fffffff]
  • MaxValue >= MinValue

Json Parameter Example

        "MinValue": 4,
        "MaxValue": 200



Specifies the regular expression pattern of the text to recognize.


  • All TextArea Objects without TextRegExPattern set will be set from this setting.
  • Supported regular expressions pattern syntax:
characters matches
\d a decimal digit character (same as “[0-9]”).
\D any character that is not a decimal digit character (same as “[^0-9]”).
\s a whitespace character (same as “ “ or “[ ]”).
\S any character that is not a whitespace character (same as “[^ ]”).
\w an alphanumeric or underscore character (same as “[0-9A-z_]”).
\W any character that is not an alphanumeric or underscore character (same as “[^0-9A-z_]”).
[class] any character that is part of the class.
[^class] any character that is not part of the class.
* The preceding atom is matched 0 or more times.
+ The preceding atom is matched 1 or more times.
? The preceding atom is optional (matched either 0 times or once).
(subpattern) Groups a sequence of subpatterns as a matching atom.
{n} The preceding atom is matched exactly n times.
{min,} The preceding atom is matched min or more times.
{,max} The preceding atom is matched at least 0 times, but not more than max.
{min,max} The preceding atom is matched at least min times, but not more than max.
{(n)} The preceding atom matches exactly n characters.
{(min,)} The preceding atom matches min or more characters.
{(,max)} The preceding atom matches at least 0 characters, but not more than max.
{(min,max)} The preceding atom matches at least min characters, but not more than max.
[(string1,string2,…)] any case insensitive string that is one of the listed strings separated by commas (,). For example: [(CAN,USA)] matches CAN, USA or can.
[(minnumericstring-maxnumericstring)] a numeric string that is between minnumericstring and maxnumericstring. For example: [(01-12)] matches 01, 02, 03, … until 12).

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter TextRegExPattern string ””

Json Parameter Example




Sets the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that should be spent searching for labels on each page. It does not include the time taken to load/capture an image (Tiff, PNG, etc) from disk into memory.

If you want to stop searching for labels after a specified amount of time, you can use this parameter to set a timeout.

As Json Parameter

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type Value Range Default Value
LabelRecognitionParameter Timeout int [0,0x7fffffff] 10000

Json Parameter Example



version 1.2.1

  • version 3.4.10
  • Version 3.x
    • Version 3.2.30
    • Version 3.2.20
    • Version 3.2.10
    • Version 3.2.0
    • Version 3.0.30
    • Version 3.0.20
    • Version 3.0.10
    • Version 3.0.0
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.20
    • Version 2.2.11
    • Version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.2.0
    • Version 2.0.0
  • Version 1.x
    • Version 1.2.1
    • Version 1.2
    • Version 1.0
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