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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

LabelRecognitionParameter Object

Parameter Name Description
LabelRecognitionParameter.Name The name of the LabelRecognitionParameter object.
LabelRecognitionParameter.BinarizationModes Sets the mode and priority for binarization.
LabelRecognitionParameter.CharacterModelName Sets the name of a white list of recognizable characters.
LabelRecognitionParameter.GrayscaleTransformationModes Sets the mode and priority for the grayscale image conversion.
LabelRecognitionParameter.LetterHeightRange Sets the range of letter height (in pixel or a percentage value relative to the height of the text area).
LabelRecognitionParameter.LinesCount Sets the text lines count of the text area.
LabelRecognitionParameter.LineStringRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of each line string text in current image to recognize.
LabelRecognitionParameter.MaxThreadCount Sets the maximum number of threads the algorithm will use to recognize text.
LabelRecognitionParameter.ReferenceRegionNameArray The name array of the ReferenceRegion object(s).
LabelRecognitionParameter.RegionPredetectionModes Sets the region pre-detection mode for searching target regions.
LabelRecognitionParameter.TextRegExPattern Specifies the regular expression pattern of the text to recognize.


Mode Properties

GrayscaleTransformationModes is a parameter for setting the mode for the grayscale image conversion. It consisits of one or more DLRGrayscaleTransformationMode items. The array index represents the priority of the item. The smaller index is, the higher priority is.

Value Type Value Range Default Value
DLRGrayscaleTransformationMode array “DLR_GTM_SKIP”

Setting Methods

As JSON Parameter

GrayscaleTransformationModes as a JSON parameter is a JSON Object array. ach JSON Object has a key Mode for setting the mode, and the array index decides the priority of the mode for the grayscale image conversion. Default values will be used if there is no manual setting.

Json Object Json Parameter Name Value Type
LabelRecognitionParameter GrayscaleTransformationModes JSON Object Array

Json Parameter Example

    "GrayscaleTransformationModes": [
            "Mode": "DLR_GTM_INVERTED"
            "Mode": "DLR_GTM_ORIGINAL"


As DLRRuntimeSettings Member

GrayscaleTransformationModes is a DLRGrayscaleTransformationMode array defines in DLRRuntimeSettings. It is used for setting the modes and the priority for the grayscale image conversion. Default value will be used if there is no manual setting.

Struct Struct Member Name Value Type
DLRRuntimeSettings grayscaleTransformationModes DLRGrayscaleTransformationMode[8]

See Also

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