Document Capture and Recognition for Financial Workflows

To stay competitive, financial organizations need to automate customer transactions and create frictionless workflows. Customers expect a quick, effortless onboarding experience. Dynamsoft enables fast, secure document capture and ID verification using smartphones or scanners. Let’s chat about simplifying your workflows.

"Using Dynamsoft’s Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK to streamline our document scanning and customer data capture processes has made our representatives more efficient."

- Andrew Chung, GESA Credit Union

Optimized for Financial Services

Frictionless Customer Onboarding

Know Your Customer (KYC) processes can be time consuming and frustrating - for customers and workers alike. Making customer identification frictionless is key to a positive customer experience.

Dynamsoft gives you the tools to automate customer identification and ensure full compliance. Capture and verify passports or driver's licenses using smartphones or scanners.

Auto-populate fields from customer IDs into account opening forms and loan applications to cut repetitive processes and reduce customer wait times.

Dynamsoft's KYC Solutions (PDF) →

driver license

Driver's License





document scanner

Document Scanner

  • Mailing Street Address1 123 Sample Driver
  • Mailing Street Address2 APT B
  • Mailing City Indianapolis

Key value pairs

Streamlined Document Management

When documents are captured, stored and retrieved quickly and easily, customer service reps can spend more time with clients.

Scanning can be done with smartphones or scanners, meaning minimal outlay on hardware and less cluttered workspaces.

Scan documents in large batches and automatically classify them using barcodes on each page.

Convert documents to PDFs and integrate into company-wide document management systems for easy access and retrieval.

Scan unlimited documents in a session

Scan unlimited documents in a session

Classify and store by barcode

Classify and store by barcode

Multiple export formats

Multiple export formats

Quickly Adapt to Regulatory Changes

Capture and store documents for compliance more quickly so that reps can spend more time with clients. Stay up to date with regulatory changes more efficiently with end-to-end document management and paperless workflows.

Dynamsoft SDKs are designed for enterprise level security. Your data stays secure and within your network. It is encrypted in transit, and at rest, with HTTPS support and configurable SSL.

GDPR & CCPA compliant

GDPR & CCPA compliant

ISO 27001 certified

ISO 27001 certified

Sign Up for a Free Trial and Start Building Your Application Today

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Barcode and Document Scanning for the Most Demanding Conditions

We help developers rapidly integrate barcode scanning and document capture into web, desktop and mobile applications to streamline workflows and cut costs. Our SDKs are optimized for speed, accuracy and scale in the most rigorous enterprise settings.




Driver's licenses


Document Scanning

Camera Capture

PDF Viewer

Image Processing and Data Capture

Barcode Reading

Document Rectification

Text Extraction

Extracted data

Compression and storage

"If you're going to try and tackle cross-browser scanning support, you better be prepared to have a dedicated team because browsers change quickly. A good SDK can curb both development and support costs. This is what Dynamsoft helped us realize for our es.capture and es.content solutions."

- Stephanie Azarian, Everteam

Why Dynamsoft?

Fast Integration

just a few lines of code to implement

21 Years

in computer vision

Flexible Licensing

to fit all business scenarios

Enterprise Grade Security

ISO 27001 certified to keep your data secure

No-Obligation Pre-Sales Support

to discuss your POC

It just takes a few lines of code. Try it out.

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