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Error Message: Error connecting to <IP> : <Port>


When connecting to the server through SourceAnywhere Standalone client, you may get the following error message:

Connecting to server...
Error connecting to: <IP>:<Port>

Cause & Resolution:

There are four possible causes of this problem. Please verify the following things:
  • Make sure you have started your service at Server -> ServerInfo -> System Settings.
  • Make sure the network connection between the SourceAnywhere Server and Client is OK.
  • Make sure the Server IP you are connecting to is correct. Please check if the IP address is listed in Server -> ServerInfo -> System Settings -> Server IP.
  • If you have a firewall configured on the Server or Client, please make sure the firewall does not block the port you specified in the Server -> ServerInfo -> System Settings page.
  • If SourceAnywhere Server is installed on a Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 SP1 machine, please check if the Windows Firewall is enabled on this server machine. If yes, it is likely the Windows Firewall is blocking connections from SourceAnywhere Standalone Client. In this case, please add a Windows Firewall exception for SourceAnywhere service.

If the issue persists, you can contact us at: For instant help, you can reach us via LiveHelp.