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Blowfish User Keys

See Also

The Blowfish User Keys window allows you to create Blowfish user keys for the Blowfish secure port of SourceAnywhere Server. SourceAnywhere Server manages encryption by referencing a key file containing the Blowfish user key. Each user must have a Blowfish user key to access the Blowfish secure port of SourceAnywhere Server.

Blowfish user keys are not needed for the SSL secure port and unsecure port of SourceAnywhere with cryptography.

Windows Items


Creates a Blowfish user key. Click Add to display the Add Blowfish User Key dialog box.


Removes an existing Blowfish user key. Select the Blowfish user key you want to delete and click Delete. Multiple users can be selected by holding Ctrl key.

Export Key

Exports the key file. Click Export Key and then choose a location to place the key file. A Blowfish user key is exported into file <Username>.SEK.