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Naming Syntax, Conventions and Limitations
Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere has the following naming syntax, conventions and limitations:
- User names can be up to 64 characters long.
- Label names can be up to 255 characters long.
- Project names can be up to 256 characters long.
- File names can be up to 256 characters long.
- Group names can be up to 64 characters long.
- Repository names can be up to 128 characters long.
- Project paths can be up to 384 characters long.
- File paths can be up to 384 characters long.
- Comments can be up to 1600 characters long.
- Passwords can be up to 32 characters long.
Almost all characters can be used for names except the following invalid
- Dollar sign ($)
- Percent sign (%)
- Forward (/) and backward slash (\)
- Colon (:) and semicolon (;)
- Asterisk (*)
- Question mark (?)
- Double Quotation mark ( ")
- Angle brackets (< >)
- Pipe (vertical bar) (|)
File names and project names in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere can
contain dot (.) but there are limitations as follows:
- Project names can be combination of dots with any other character. For
example, ".build", "build.." are all valid
- File names can not be dots only.
- Project names can be less than two dots. For example,".." is valid while
"..." is invalid.