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Server Installation

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server is installed as a system service; hence the server can be installed on any Windows platforms which support service. It runs in the background with no user interface of any kind.

The following topics are included in this page:

Server Configuration Requirement

Note: If server goes with localDB, the supported operating systems would be Windows 2008R2/2008SP2/2012/7/8/VistaSP2.

Running the Setup

To perform the installation, you must be logged in as the system or machine Administrator and then make sure SQL Server or MSDE is running.

Installation Steps

1. Welcome to the Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server Installation Wizard

Double click on the Installer icon to launch Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server Installation Wizard.

To continue, click Next.

2. Software License Agreement

Please read the license agreement carefully,  then select "I accept the terms in the license agreement." 

To continue, click Next.

3. Customer Information

Enter your information.

To continue, click Next.

4. Destination Folder

Please select the folder where Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server will be installed. The default destination folder is "C:\Program Files\Dynamsoft\SourceAnywhere Server". If you want to change the destination folder, click Change.

To continue, click Next.

5. Install Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server

6. Configure

Since version 5, Dynamsoft added Build-in database as an option during the installation of SourceAnywhere Server. Now you can choose either the build-in database or your own SQL Server as the database backend.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server

7. Configuration Information

Configure Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server.

To continue, click OK.

8. Installation Complete

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server has been successfully installed in your computer.

To exit, click Finish.

Starting and Configuring the Server

There are two ways to start the server: one is through Service Configurator. The other is through control panel: Select Administrative Tools, then Services. Right-click Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere and select Start.

Configuration of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere server is through the Service Configurator utility that is included in the server installation.