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Options (General Tab)

Options for general configuration.

Tab Items

Act on projects recursively

Specifies whether SourceAnywhere acts recursively by default on all projects and subprojects during operations that support recursion. Since performing recursive operations can sometimes be a lengthy process, the default option is OFF.

Check in unchanged files

Specifies how to handle the unchanged files when you perform the Check In operation.

Connection Type

Specifies connection type. Available options are Local Connection, Broad Band Connection and Narrow Band Connection. The proper selection will speed up the operations.

Setting Folder for Temporary Files

Specifies the folder you want SourceAnywhere to store temporary files. Type the full path in this textbox or click Browse to select one.

Delete all temporary files

Clears the folder storing temporary files.

Restore Defaults

Changes the above options to the default values.


Applies your settings on this tab.