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How to enable the plug-in

SourceAnywhere plug-in works on a per Eclipse project basis. Each project in your workspace can be configured separately and can mount a SourceAnywhere Repository.

1. Configure a team provider for your project.

Right click an Eclipse project and select Team -> Share Project to bring up the select repository wizard.

2. Select SourceAnywhere as the repository type.

3. Input the server name and port of SourceAnywhere server.


Select or type SourceAnywhere server IP.


Select or type SourceAnywhere server port.

User name

Type your username.


Type your password.

Proxy Information

Input the the proxy information (if proxy is used).

4. Login SourceAnywhere Repository

Select a repository

Choose a SourceAnywhere Repository to login.

5. Path Mapping


Displays the path to the local workspace of the Eclipse project.


Type the path of the Eclipse project in SourceAnywhere Repository.


Click to bring up the Add To SourceSafe project dialog box. You can select an existing SourceAnywhere project or create a new one.

6. Your project is now configured for using SourceAnywhere Plug-in.

Now if you right click context menu on the project and select Team, you will see some additional SourceAnywhere plug-in functions.

SourceAnywhere plug-in actions are also available from the main menu and toolbar if SourceAnywhere Plug-in menu and shortcuts is enabled. The actions will be invoked on the current active editor or the current selection if there is no active editor.

The context menu option will vary depending on the status of the file. If an option isn't available, but it should be, always try to do a refresh and see what happens.

All errors within the plug-in can be viewed by clicking Window menu > Show View > Error Log or in the Eclipse log-file located at (your workspace)\.metadata\.log.