Commands and Parameters
The following is a list and general description of all the command-line commands.
Command |
Description |
About | Displays the version information. Required Params:
AddFile | Adds one or multiple files to a project. The path of the file on
the local machine is specified by the -workdir parameter.
Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file, -workdir Optional Params: -tempdir, -comment, -auto or -mergable or -bin, -notreadonly, -windows or -unix or -mac, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
AddFolder | Adds an entire local folder to the database. The path of the folder on the local machine is specified by the -workdir parameter. Use -r to
add the folder recursively. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -workdir Optional Params: -tempdir, -comment, -r, -auto or -mergable or -bin, -windows or -unix or -mac, -notreadonly, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
AddLabel | Adds a label to a project or a file. Required Params: -server, -port,
-username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -label |
BranchFile | Breaks the share link so that the
changes made to that file will no longer be reflected in other
projects. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file Optional Params: -comment, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
CheckInFile | Checks in and unlocks one or
multiple files. This command also makes the local files
read-only. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file, -workdir Optional Params: -comment, -keep, -windows or -unix or -mac, -checkin or -ask or -undo, -del, -notreadonly, -tempdir, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
CheckInProject | Checks in and unlocks an entire project.
This command also makes the local files in the project
read-only. Use -r to check in the project recursively. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj Optional Params: -workdir, -r, -comment, -keep, -del, -windows or -unix or -mac, -checkin or -ask or -undo, -notreadonly, -tempdir, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
CheckOutFile | Checks out and locks one or multiple files
in the same project. This command also makes the local
files writable. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file Optional Params: -workdir, -tempdir, -cancel or -ask or -skip or -replace,-windows or -unix or -mac, -time, -comment, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
CheckOutProject | Checks out and locks an entire project. This command also makes the local
files in the project writable. Use -r to checkout a project recursively. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj Optional Params: -workdir, -tempdir, -r, -cancel or -ask or -skip or -replace,-windows or -unix or -mac, -time, -comment, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
CreateProject | Creates an empty project in the
current repository. Use -prj to specify the project path and
Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj Optional Params: -comment, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
Delete | Deletes a file or project from the
repository, while local files still exist on the computer. If the -permanent flag is set,
deleted items cannot be
recovered. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj Optional Params: -file, -permanent, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
GetAllRepositories | Lists all accessible repositories by the input server. Required
Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd |
GetAllUsers | Lists all active users in the current
repository. Required
Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository |
GetFileHistory | Displays the revision history of the file.
Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file Optional Params: -user, -datetime, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
GetFileInfo | Displays the current information about a file,
including type, version number and modified date.
Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file Optional Params: -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
GetFileList | Lists the full name of all files in the
specified project. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj Optional Params: -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
GetLatestFiles | Retrieves the most recent files from
the current repository. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -workdir, -file Optional Params: -tempdir, -writable, -cancel or -ask or -skip or -replace,-time,-windows or -unix or -mac, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
GetOldVersionFile | Retrieves the old file version from the
current repository. The -rev parameter is used to specify an old
file version. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -workdir, -file Optional Params: -rev, -tempdir, -writable, -cancel or -ask or -skip or -replace,-time,-windows or -unix or -mac, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
GetProject | Gets the latest version of all
files in the specified project from the current repository. Use -r to get the project recursively.
Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd,
-repository, -prj, -workdir |
GetProjectHistory | Displays the revision history of the project.
If the -v flag is set, the histories will be shown by version,
or it will be shown by item. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd,
-repository, -prj |
GetProjectTree | Graphically displays the project structure. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj Optional Params: -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
Interactive | Puts the Client in an interactive
shell, where you can enter commands one after the other, without
having to re-run the Command Line Client each time. For example, SourceAnywhereSCmd Interactive -server -port 8787 -username test -pwd test -repository "Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere" -tempdir D:\temp Now you are in the interactive shell. When you use other commands, the parameters -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository are not required until you type 'quit' to exit interactive shell.
Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository |
PinFile | Locks a file or project to a
specified version number. Once an item is pinned, no changes can
be made to it and the pinned version becomes the current version
of the item. Required
Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file |
Rename | Renames a file or project in the
current repository.
Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -newname Optional Params: -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd, -file |
SetFileType | Sets type of the file. Required Params:
-server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file,
-mergable or -bin |
ShareFile | Shares the current version of one or
multiple files to another project. Updates to a shared file will
be reflected in all the projects to which the file is shared. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file, -shareto Optional Params: -branch, -comment, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
ShareProject | Shares the current version of a
project to another project. Updates to files in a shared project
will be reflected in all the projects to which the project is
shared. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -shareto Optional Params: -branch, -r, -comment, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
UndoCheckOutFile | Cancels the checkout of one or multiple files and reverts
to the state before the Check Out operation was performed. This
command also makes the local files read-only.
Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file Optional Params: -workdir, -tempdir, -windows or -unix or -mac, -time, -leave or -replace or -del, -notreadonly, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
UndoCheckOutProject | Cancels the checkout of a project and reverts to the state before
the Check Out operation was performed. This command also
makes the local files read-only. Use -r to undo checkout of the project
recursively. Required Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj Optional Params: -workdir, -tempdir, -r,-windows or -unix or -mac,-time, -leave or -replace or -del,-notreadonly, -ptype, -pserver, -pport, -puser, -ppwd |
UnPinFile | Cancels the Pin operation, ignoring the files that are not pinned. Required
Params: -server, -port, -username, -pwd, -repository, -prj, -file |
The following is a list and description of parameters accepted by Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Command Line. It is necessary to enter full parameter names. If you want to cancel the current operation, type 'c' (for Java Command Line, you need to press Enter after 'c').
Note: Please put a space between a parameter and the value it acts on.
Parameter |
Description |
-ask | Prompts on how to handle the local file
copies . Used with CheckInFile, CheckInProject, CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, and GetProject commands. |
-auto | Auto detects the file type. Used with AddFile and AddFolder commands. |
-bin | Sets the file type to be binary. Used with AddFile, AddFolder and SetFileType commands. |
-branch | Performs a branch operation immediately
after the share operation. Used with ShareFile and ShareProject commands. |
-checkin | Updates the unchanged item to a new version. Used with CheckInFile and CheckInProject commands. |
-comment | Comments on the corresponding operations
with text. Used with the following commands: AddFile, AddFolder, AddLabel, BranchFile, CheckInFile, CheckInProject, CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, CreateProject, ShareFile, ShareProject. |
-datetime | Specifies a period of time. By default it's from
the current time to one year ago. You can type two value in
the format "datefrom|dateto", or just one value as the
ending date/time of period which begins from the current
time .
Acceptable date/time formats: Used with GetFileHistory or GetProjectHistory commands. |
-del | Deletes the local copy. Used with CheckInFile, CheckInProject, UndoCheckOutFile, and UndoCheckOutProject commands. |
-file | Specifies the name of the file(s) in
the repository or the absolute path and full name of the
local file(s). Used with the following commands: AddFile, AddLabel, BranchFile, CheckInFile, CheckOutFile, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetFileHistory, GetFileInfo, Delete, Rename, SetFileType, ShareFile, UndoCheckOutFile, Pin, and Unpin. |
-h /-? | Displays help at the command prompt. Available for all commands. |
-keep | Keeps checkout status after the check-in
operation. Used with CheckInFile and CheckInProject commands. |
-label | Specifies a label that can be associated with a particular
project version or file version. Used with AddLabel command. |
-leave | Leaves the local copy alone. Used with UndoCheckOutFile and UndoCheckOutProject commands. |
-mac | Uses Mac EOL for files. Used with the following commands: AddFile, AddFolder, CheckInFile, CheckInProject, CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetProject, UndoCheckOutFile, UndoCheckOutProject. |
-mergable | Sets the file type to be mergable. Used with AddFile, AddFolder and SetFileType commands. |
-multipleCheckouts | Allow multiple users to check out the same file. Used with CheckOutFiles commands. |
-newname | Specifies a new name for the project or file
that is being renamed. Used with the Rename command. |
-notreadonly | Doesn't change the file attribute to read-only. Used with the following commands: AddFile, AddFolder, CheckInProject, CheckInFile, UndoCheckOutProject and UndoCheckOutFile. |
-permanent | Permanently deletes a
file or project from the database. Used with the Delete command. |
-port | Specifies the port of a running
Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere server or cache server. A must for all commands. |
-pport | Specifies the port of the proxy server. Needed when the proxy server is used. |
-ppwd | Specifies the password for the
corresponding user to connect to the proxy server. Needed when the proxy server is used. |
-prj | Specifies a valid project in the
current Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere repository. A must for all commands except About, GetAllRepositoties, GetAllUsers and Interactive. |
-pserver | Specifies the domain name or IP address of the proxy server. If ptype = "None", this parameter is invalid and not required.
Needed when the proxy server is used. |
-ptype | Specifies the proxy type. Valid -ptype parameters are "None",
"Http", "Socks4" and "Socks5", the default value is "None". Needed when the proxy server is used. |
-puser | Specifies the user name used to
connect to the proxy server. If ptype = "None" or "Socks4",
this parameter is invalid and not required.
Needed when the proxy server is used. |
-pwd | Specifies the password for the
corresponding user to log into Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere
repository. A must for all commands except GetAllRepositories. |
-r | Performs the project level command
recursively. Used with the following commands: AddFolder, CheckInProject, CheckOutProject, GetProject, ShareProject and UncoCheckOutProject. |
-replace | Replaces the local copy with file(s) in the
Used with the following commands: CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetProject, UndoCheckOutFile and UndoCheckOutProject. |
-repository |
Specifies the repository you want to log into. A must for all commands except GetAllRepositories. |
-rev | Specifies a version number of the file. Used with GetOldVersionFile and Pin commands. |
-skip | Leaves the local copy alone (doesn't
retrieve the latest version from the repository). Used with the following commands: CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, and GetProject. |
-server | Specifies the domain name or IP address of a running
Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere
server or cache server.
A must for all commands. |
-shareto | Specifies the project into which a file or project will be shared. Used with ShareFile and ShareProject commands. |
-tempdir | Specifies a local folder for storing
temporary files.. The default temporary directory is
specified in the ServerInfo->General Settings section of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Service Configurator (for Java Command Line, the
default temporary directory is the system temporary
directory). Used with the following commands: AddFile, AddFolder, CheckInFile, CheckInProject, CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetProject, UndoCheckOutFile, and UndoCheckOutProject. |
-time | Sets the modification time of the local
file or project. Valid time parameters are "current"
(default), "modi" and "checkin". modi - The item's last modified time. current - Current time. checkin- The item's last checked in time. Examples: -time modi or -time current or -time checkin. Used with the following commands: CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetProject, UndoCheckOutFile, and UndoCheckOutProject. |
-undo | Undoes the checkout without updating to a
new version. Used with CheckInFile and CheckInProject commands. |
-unix | Uses Unix EOL for files. Used with the following commands: AddFile, AddFolder, CheckInFile, CheckInProject, CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetProject, UndoCheckOutFile, and UndoCheckOutProject. |
-user | Specifies an existing username. Used with GetFileHistory and GetProjectHistory commands. |
-username | Specifies the user name used to
log into Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere repository. A must for all commands except GetAllRepositories. |
-v | Shows the project histories by version. Used with the GetProjectHistory command. |
-verb | If present, outputs verbose status messages, such as connections, server responses, etc. |
-windows | Uses Windows EOL for files.
Used with the following commands: AddFile, AddFolder, CheckInFile, CheckInProject, CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetProject, UndoCheckOutFile, and UndoCheckOutProject. |
-writable | Makes the local files writable. Used with GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetProject. |
-workdir | Specifies the working folder
from which the Command Line Client finds or places items. By
default it's Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Command Line directory.
Used with the following commands: AddFile, AddFolder, CheckInFile, CheckInProject, CheckOutFile, CheckOutProject, GetLatestFiles, GetOldVersionFile, GetProject, UndoCheckOutFile, and UndoCheckOutProject. |