Resolve Conflicts
If there are any merge conflicts, Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere does not resolve the conflicts automatically. Instead, Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere brings up the Visual Merge window of the merge tool you specify in Tools->Options->External Programs Tab. The Visual Merge window is a graphic window that enables you to resolve the conflicts manually and save the merge result when the conflicts are resolved.
By default, Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere uses its diff/merge utility MergeHero to merge files. MergeHero handles the visual merge in an easy-to-use pattern, as shown in the following Visual Merge window:
The upper two panes display two versions being merged. The file on the left pane is the repository version of a file, and the right pane displays the local copy of the file. In a Merge Branches, the versions displayed on the two panes are two branches in different paths (projects).
The lower pane displays the result of the merge. The result is based on line changes that do not involve any conflict, and it changes as you resolve the conflicts.
You can resolve conflicts by selecting one of the two line changes as the result of the merge. After you have resolved the conflicts, clicking save icon will create a result file and replace the local copy of the file.