Merge On Get
See also
A merge may occur at Get command when the file is checked out to you (Only if the
Replace writable option is set to Merge in Get
dialog box).
In a multiple checkout situation (when
the current repository is set to
allow multiple checkouts), if multiple users have checked out a file and
one of the users checks in the file with changes, you can use the Get command to retrieve
another user's changes before checking in your
version of the file. The difference between the current version and your
local copy of the file will be merged into your local copy.
This is a three-way merge. The baseline file is the repository version of
the file that you check out. The result file is the local copy of the file.
If there is any conflict, Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere opens the Visual Merge
Window. If no
conflict is found, the file will be merged automatically.