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Pin/Unpin History Version of Files

See also

How to pin/unpin history version of an item in History Explorer dialog box

  1. Select the item you want to pin or unpin.

  2. Click Show History button on the toolbar or select Show History from either the Tools menu or by right-clicking the selected item.

  3. In the History Explorer dialog box, select the version of the item you want to pin or unpin.

  4. Click Pin/Unpin button.

How to pin/unpin history version of an item in Show Labels dialog box

  1. Select the item you want to pin or unpin.

  2. Select Show Labels from either the Tools menu or by right-clicking the selected item.

  3. In the Show Labels dialog box, select the version of the item you want to pin or unpin.

  4. Select Pin/Unpin from Action menu or by right-clicking the selected item.