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Web Deploy Command (Tools Menu)

See Also

Deploy Web Projects

Deploy Multiple Files

Command Remarks

Allows you to deploy a web project and files in a web project.

When you have completed development and testing of your Web pages, the Web Deploy command copies your files to a specified location on the Web server.

To enable this command for a specific project, your Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Administrator must designate this project as Web project and specify a deployment path in Web Projects box of the Server Manager. Once this is done, a visual clue will be provided to show which project(s) is deployable. You can deploy an entire project or files and subprojects under the project.

When enabled, only the changes made in projects will be deployed.

Access Rights

You must have Read access right to use this command.

Dialog Box Items

If you have checked the project-level Deploy check box  in Options->Command Dialogs tab, the Deploy dialog box is displayed when you perform  the Web Deploy command.


Displays the path where the Web project will be deployed.

Make Writable

Sets the read-write flag so the file is writable. This option is only available when deploying to a local folder. This is not the default behavior, but may be useful if you want to try a temporary change in the file, or want to rename the file after getting it.


Deploys the selected web project.


Cancels the Web Deploy command and closes the dialog box.