Click Advanced to display the advanced options for Check Out dialog box, as seen below:
Retrieves one or more selected files from the current project and places a writable copy of the file into your current working folder. You should have a working folder set before using this command.
The Check Out command enables users to edit specific files locally. This command locks files or projects within the repository. Once files are checked out, the user who has the files checked out is displayed in the User column of the File List Pane.
Generally, only one user can check out a file for modification at one time. However, if the current Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere repository has been set to allow multiple checkouts, multiple users can check out the same file at the same time. When the first user checks the modified file into Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere, that file becomes the current version. When subsequent users check in or get their local copies, their changes are merged. Only mergeable files may be checked out by multiple users at a time.
In Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere, a merge may occur at Check Out command (only if the Replace writable option is set to Merge in Check Out dialog box). If the repository version of a file differs from your local copy of the file and the local copy is writable, the differences will be merged into the local copy when you perform the Check Out command. This is a two-way merge.
The way how Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere determines if your local copy is different from the copy in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere repository can be set in Compare files by option in Tools->Options->Files Tab.
Note: Checked-out file can not be deleted, pinned or renamed.
Access Rights
You must have the Check In/Check Out access right to use this command.
If you have checked the Check Out check box in Options->Command Dialogs tab, the Check Out dialog box is displayed when you perform the Check Out command.
Enter a comment for the check out. While the file is checked out, the Check Out Status tab of File Properties dialog box will display the checkout comment.
Displays the working folder into which Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere copies the file. By default, Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere copies the file with its own file name into your working folder. However, you can enter a different folder and file path, or click Browse to select a different location in the folder tree.
Checks out the project and all its descendants.
Overrides the working folder set for the subprojects involved in a recursive operation, and builds a project tree that mirrors the project organization on your local computer. Working folder settings for individual subprojects are ignored. Available only when you select the Recursive check box.
Note: Cloaked subprojects will not be checked out.
Tells Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere not to copy the file to your working folder. Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere records that the file is checked out, but does not write a new copy to your working folder.
Advanced Options
Requests exclusive checkout of the current file(s) or project. If this option is enabled, other users will not be able to checkout the current file(s) or project. This option takes effect only when Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere has been set up to allow multiple checkouts.
Determines how Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere behaves when you try to check out a file that is already modified and marked as writable in your working folder. The way how Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere determines if your working folder copy is modified can be set in 'Compare files by' option in Tools->Options->Files Tab.
Select one of the following in the group box:
Ask: Asks you what you want Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere to handle the writable local copy.
Replace: Replaces the local copy with the file on the repository.
Skip: Leaves the local copy alone (not retrieving the latest version from the repository).
Merge: Skips the local file copy.
The default option selected in the Replace Writable dropdown list may be specified in Replace Writable option in Tools->Options->Files Tab.
Set File Time
Sets the modification date and time of the local file when Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere gets a file. Select one of the following options in the dropdown list:
Current: Sets the modification date and time of the local copy to the current date and time.
Modification: Sets the modification date and time of the local copy to the date and time the file was last modified.
Check In: Sets the modification date and time of the local copy to the date and time the file was last checked in.
The default selected option in the Set File Time dropdown list is the option you specify in Set File Time option in Tools->Options->Files Tab.
The end-of-line terminator for
mergeable files may be specified using this option.
The EOL Terminator may need to be changed if the operating system where the working folders reside differs from the operating system Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Client is currently running on. For example, if Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Client is running on a Windows operating system but needs to retrieve files to a working folder that is on a Mac OS, you can change the EOL Terminator to Mac(CR) so that files retrieved to the working folder will be displayed correctly.
The options for end-of-line terminator are as follows:
The default selected option in the End-of-line dropdown list is the option you specify in End-of-line option in Tools->Options->Files Tab.
Note: The EOL Terminator will not take effect if your local copy of
file is the same as the one in the repository. The way how Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere determines
if your working folder copy differs from the repository copy can be set in 'Compare files by' option in
Tools->Options->Files Tab.