Service Relation Settings Dialog Box
See Also
Establishes or edits a service relation between Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere server and Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere cache server, or between two different Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere cache servers.
In Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Cache Server Manager, access the Service Relation window, click Add or Edit button, and then the Service Relation Settings dialog box appears as follows:
Dialog Box Items
Specifies the IP address of a Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere cache server.
Specifies the port of a Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere cache server.
Specifies the encryption type of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere cache server port. Possible options are Unencryption, Blowfish and SSL.
If the encryption type specified in this dialog box is set to be Blowfish or SSL, the cache server will need to export the Blowfish user keys in Blowfish User Keys section or export SSL root certificate in SSL Root CA section
Specifies the IP address of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere server or another cache server.
Specifies the port of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere server or another cache server.
If the port specified in this dialog box is a secure (Blowfish or SSL) port, the cache server will need to import the Blowfish user keys or SSL root certificate in Client Encryption section.