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Enum_UserRight Enum


Indicates all levels of available access rights.

It is used with the following method.

Interface Method
ISAWHRight HasRightOf()


Name Value Description
Enum_ReadRight 0x00000001

Read right



Check in/Check out right

Enum_AddRight 0x00000004 Add right
Enum_DeleteRight 0x00000008 Delete/Recover right
Enum_ShareRight 0x00010000 Share right
Enum_BranchRight 0x00020001 Branch right
Enum_MoveRight 0x00040001 Move right
Enum_RenameRight 0x00080001 Rename right
Enum_PurgeRight 0x00100001 Purge right
Enum_PinRight 0x00200001 Pin/Unpin right
Enum_LabelRight 0x00400001 Label right
Enum_PropertyChangeRight 0x01000001 Property Change right