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Enum_ItemStatus Enum


Indicates the status of the file or project.

It is used with the following properties.

Interface Property
ISAWHFileStatusOut FileStatus
ISAWHRecoverItem ItemStatus
ISAWHFileCommonInfo ItemStatus

Name Value Description
Enum_NomalFile 0

The file is in normal status.

Enum_PinnedFile 1

The file is being pinned.

Enum_SharedFile 2 The file is being shared.
Enum_SingleCheckoutFile 3 The file is being checked out by only one user.
Enum_SingleCheckoutSharedFile 4 The file is being checked out by only one user and shared.
Enum_MultiCheckoutFile 5 The file is being checked out by multiple users.
Enum_MultiCheckoutSharedFile 6 The file is being checked out by multiple users and shared.
Enum_ExclusiveCheckout 7 The file is being exclusively checked out.
Enum_ExclusiveCheckoutSharedFile 8 The file is being exclusively checked out and shared.
Enum_NormalProject 0 The project is in normal status.
Enum_CloakedProject 2 The Project is being cloaked.