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Enum_ActionType Enum


Indicates the type of source control action.

It is used with the following methods and properties.

Interface Method
ISAWHFileHistoryParam SetActionType()
ISAWHProjectHistoryParam SetActionType()
ISAWHActionType Add()
ISAWHActionType Clear()

ISAWHChangeSetIdInfo ActionType
ISAWHHistory ActionType


Name Value Description
Enum_ActionTypeNull 0x00000000

No action displayed.



Displays the Add action, which adds files or subproject to a project in the repository.

Enum_ActionTypeDelete 0x00000002 Displays the Delete action, which removes files or projects from the repository, and marks them as deleted.
Enum_ActionTypeRecover 0x00000004 Displays the Recover action, which recovers a deleted item.
Enum_ActionTypeCheckin 0x00000008 Displays the Check In action, which updates the checked-out item with modifications made to it.
Enum_ActionTypeRename 0x00000010 Displays the Rename action, which renames a file or a project.
Enum_ActionTypeMoveOut 0x00000020 Displays the Move action, which moves an item out of a project.
Enum_ActionTypeMoveIn 0x00000040 Displays the Move action, which moves an item into a project.
Enum_ActionTypeShare 0x00000080 Displays the Share action, which shares an item among multiple projects.
Enum_ActionTypeBranch 0x00000100 Displays the Branch action, which breaks the share link while retaining a copy of the file, or copies the selected history version of an item to a specified location.
Enum_ActionTypeRollback 0x00000800 Displays the Rollback action, which goes back to a history version of a file while retaining the history of changes made after that version.
Enum_ActionTypeInheritedForVersionTracking 0x00001000 Unused parameter.
Enum_ActionTypeLabel 0x00004000 Displays the Label action, which assigns a label to the specified version of a file or project.
Enum_ActionTypePin 0x00020000 Displays the Pin action, which pins the current or history version of an item.
Enum_ActionTypeUnpin 0x00040000 Displays the Unpin action, which unpins the current or history version of an item.
Enum_ActionTypePurge 0x00080000 Displays the Purge action, which permanently removes an item that is deleted.
Enum_ActionTypeForParentDisplay 0x00100000 Displays all actions on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypeAddForParentDisplay 0x00200000 Displays the Add action on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypeDeleteForParentDisplay 0x00400000 Displays the Delete action on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypeRecoverForParentDisplay 0x00800000 Displays the Recover action on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypePurgeForParentDisplay 0x01000000 Displays the Purge action on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypeRenameForParentDisplay 0x02000000 Displays the Rename action on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypeShareForParentDisplay 0x04000000 Displays the Share action on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypeBranchForParentDisplay 0x08000000 Displays the Branch action on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypeMoveInForParentDisplay 0x10000000 Displays the Move In action on an item's parent project.
Enum_ActionTypeMoveOutForParentDisplay 0x20000000 Displays Move Out action on an item's parent project.