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Effective Rights Dialog Box

See Also

Displays the effective rights of the selected user.

Selecting a project in Projects Tree and clicking View Effective Rights will bring up the following dialog box:

Dialog Box Items

User List

Specifies the user whose effective rights you want to view.

Effective Rights List

Lists all effective (actual)  rights that the user has for the selected project. A user's effective rights for a specific project are the UNION of the security rights defined for the user AND any group(s) that the user belongs to and that also has access to this specific project.

For example, a user named "John" belongs to group A, and the user "John" as well as group A have access to project "$/test". If the project "$/test" is defined "P L" (Pin, Label) security rights for user "John" and "M S" (Move, Share) security rights for group A, then the effect rights of user "John" for this project should be "P L M S".


Closes the dialog box.