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Edit Profile Dialog Box

See Also

This dialog box contains the following two tabs:

General Tab

Tab Items

Organization ID

Type the organization ID that is part of your hosted service account identity.

User Name

Type the user name, which must be configured on the Users tab of Server Manager.


Type the password. Check Remember password checkbox if you'd like the password of the user to be filled automatically at each login.

Connect to Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Server

Check this box if the Server Manager connects to the Hosted Server directly without using the Cache Server.


If this box  is checked, the Server Manager will connect to the secure port of Hosting Server using SSL encryption.

Connect through my Cache Server

If you have SourceAnywhere Hosted Cache Server deployed at the Client side, check this box  and the Server Manager will connect to SourceAnywhere Hosted Server through your Cache Server.

Cache Server Address

Type the IP or name of your Cache Server.

Cache Server Port

Type the port of your Cache Server.

Additional Tab

Tab Items

Proxy Information Panel

Proxy type

Select the proxy type: None, Socks4, Socks5 or Http.

Server name

Type the IP or name of the proxy server, if Socks4, Socks5 or Http is selected as the proxy type.


Type the port of the proxy server, if Socks4, Socks5 or Http is selected as the proxy type.

User name (if the proxy requires authentication)

Type the proxy username.

Password (if the proxy requires authentication)

Type the proxy password.