Adds a Web project.
In the Web Project window, clicking Add button will bring up the following dialog box:
Specifies the path of the source project in repository. You can type the full path in the box or click Browse to select one in the Set Web Project dialog box.
Deploy DestinationSpecifies the path of deploy destination.
FTP site
Specifies the path of FTP site.
Specifies the port of the FTP server.Login info
Specifies the way in which SourceAnywhere Server logs in the FTP server. You can choose to input the login info when adding a web project. This way, the login info will be kept in the database and used to connect to FTP server automatically when deploying. Or you can choose to input login info when performing the deploy operation. This way, the login info will not be kept.
Input login info when performing deploy operationInput login info when performing the deploy operation. The login info will not be kept in Hosted Server.
AnonymousLog in the FTP server as a anonymous user.
User Name
Specifies the user name for the FTP server .
Specifies the password used for this user to log into the FTP server.
Confirms the input and closes the dialog box.
Cancels the Add operation and closes the dialog box.