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Error List

The followings are the errors defined in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted SDK:

Value Description
11001 Socket closed.
11002 Socket error.
11003 Socket cancelled.
11004 Socket out of memory.
11005 Unspecified socket error.
11101 Unspecified file transfer error.
11102 Out of disk when transferring files.
11103 Read file error.
11301 Socket error.
11302 Socket operation cancelled.
11303 Failed to connect to proxy server.
11304 Proxy authentication error.
11305 Incorrect remote address.
11306 The proxy server response error.
11307 The proxy server needs authentication.
11308 Unknown authorized mode.
11309 Unknown proxy type.
11310 Unspecified proxy error.
12001 Magic word error.
12002 Version is not compatible.
12003 Cannot find CA.
12004 Unknown encryption type.
12005 Received error file length.
12006 System busy.
12007 System cancelled.
12008 System error.
12009 Product type is not compatible.
13001 Out of memory on server.
13002 Wrong configuration on server.
13003 System error on server.
13004 User is not configured on server.
13005 User is locked on server.
13006 License on server has expired.
13010 Unspecified server error.
13011 Get file checksum error on server.
13012 Read configuration file error on server.
13013 COM error on server.
19000 Transfer file error on low level.
19001 Unspecified low-level error.
19002 COM error on low level.
19003 Invalid deploy path.
30002 File or project is not found.
30003 Local directory is not found.
30004 Local file is not found.
30005 Local path is too long.
30006 Failed to create Project.
30007 Failed to create local folder.
30008 Failed to merge file.
30009 Failed to get local file time.
30010 Failed to get checksum.
30011 File or project already exists.
30012 Local directory already exists.
30013 Root project cannot be renamed.
30014 Root project cannot be moved.
30015 Temp directory is not available.
30016 Cancelled.
30017 The specified folder cannot be added.
30018 The file type has been excluded by server.
30019 Check in the file which has not been checked out by you.
30020 Check out the file which has been already checked out.
30021 Failed to get local file size.
30022 Undo check out a pinned file.
30023 Check out a pinned file.
30024 Check in a pinned file.
30025 File name is invalid.
30026 Project name is invalid.
30027 Check in an unchecked-out file.
30028 A directory with the same name as the checked-out file already exists in the working folder.
30029 Undo check out an unchecked-out file.
30030 Check in a nonexistent file, but a directory with the same name exists in the working folder.