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Keyboard Shortcuts

Most commands in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted have associated key combinations for you to execute these commands easily with the keystroke.


Press To
Ctrl + O Connect to Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Server or Cache Server.
Ctrl + R Login Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted repository
Ctrl + A Add files.
Ctrl + D Set working folder.
F2 Rename the selected item.
Del Delete the selected item(s).
Ctrl + Shift + L Select all files in the file list.
F5 Refresh the project tree and related information
Ctrl + G Get the latest version of the selected item.
Ctrl + K Check out the selected item.
Ctrl + U Check in item(s).
Ctrl + S Search for checked-out files by status.
Ctrl +H Show history of the selected item.
Ctrl + F Compare two items and show the differences.
F1 Show help.

Server Manager

Press To
Ctrl + O Connect to Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Server or Cache Server.
Ctrl + R Login Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted repository.
F5 Refresh information of selected page.
F1 Show help.

Cache Server Manager

Press To
Ctrl + S Start Service of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Cache Server.
Ctrl + O Stop Service of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Cache Server.
F1 Show help.