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General Tab (IDE Options)

See Also

Options for general configuration.

Tab Items

Check in unchanged files

Specifies how to handle the unchanged files when you perform the Check In operation.

Connection Type

Specifies connection type. Available options are Local Connection, Broad Band Connection and Narrow Band Connection. The proper selection will speed up the operations.

Use delta transfer for data transfer

Uses delta transfer for data transfer. Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted supports delta transfer to speed up the transfer of files. In non-LAN connection, it can speed up the file transfer greatly.

Always request exclusive locks

Sets the default option for the Request Exclusive Lock checkbox in the Check Out dialog box. An exclusive lock on a file means that no one else can check the file in or out while the current user has it checked out.

Setting folder for temporary Files

Specifies the folder you want Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted to store temporary files. Type the full path in this textbox or click Browse to select one.

Delete all temporary files

Clears the folder storing temporary files.

Note: Creating your Temp folder locally, rather than on the network, may increase the performance of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted.