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Eclipse Plug-in Help

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Eclipse plug-in is a Team provider plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. It enables users to perform Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted operations from within the Eclipse IDE. This plug-in supports Eclipse release 3.x.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Eclipse plug-in can be used on various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Solaris , Mac, etc.

Note: JDK version or above is needed to use Dynamsoft SAW Hosted Eclipse plug-in.


The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. Start Eclipse IDE. On the Help menu, click Software Updates and choose Find and Install.
  2. In the Feature Updates dialog box, choose "Search for new features to install" option.
  3. In the Update sites to visit dialog, click New Remote Site button. Input a name for this update site (e.g. SAWH Eclipse Plugin) and the following URL:
  4. Check the "SAWH Eclipse Plugin" box  in the Sites to include in search pane and click Finish.
  5. In the Search Results dialog, choose the features to install and click Next.
  6. Please read the license agreement of Dynamsoft SAW Hosted Feature carefully,  then select "I accept the terms in the license agreement." 
  7. In the Installation dialog, select the feature and choose a location to install it. Then Click Finish.
  8. Verify the feature information in the Feature Verification dialog and click Install.
  9. Restart the Eclipse IDE for the changes to take effect.

Or you can download the SourceAnywhere Hosted Eclipse plug-in from the download page of SourceAnywhere Hosted, and on the 3rd step above, click New Archived Site and browse to the SourceAnywhere Hosted Eclipse Plug-in.

How to enable the plug-in

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted plug-in works on a per Eclipse project basis. Each project in your workspace can be configured separately and can mount a Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Repository.

1. Configure a team provider for your project.

Right click an Eclipse project and select Team -> Share Project to bring up the select repository wizard.

2. Select Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted as the repository type.


3. Input the general information to login Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted server.

Login Info Panel

Organization ID

Type the organization ID that is part of your hosted service account identity.

User Name

Type the user name, which must be configured on the Users tab of Server Manager.


Type the password. Check Remember Password checkbox if you'd like the password of the user to be filled automatically at each login.

Connect to Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Server

Check this box if the client connects to the hosted server directly without using cache servers.


If this box  is checked, the client will connect to the secure port of hosted server using SSL encryption.

Connect through my Cache Server

If you have SourceAnywhere Hosted cache servers deployed at the client side, check this box  and the client will connect to the hosted server through your cache server.

Cache Server Address

Type the IP or domain name of your cache server.

Cache Server Port

Type the port of your cache server.

Profile Panel


Select the profile to apply the pre-configured login information to the Login Info panel. Each profile saves the information that is required for all the items within Login Info panel. You may create any profile if needed with Java GUI Client.

4. Input the additional information to login Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted server.

Default Repository

Type or select the default repository to log in. If this field is left blank, the client will prompt you the Repositories dialog box after successful connection to the hosted server. Clicking Select Repository button will bring up the Repositories dialog box.

If the default repository is specified, the Repositories dialog box will be skipped at each login.

Note: Before setting the default repository please input the necessary information in General tab first.

Proxy Information Panel

Proxy type

Select the proxy type: None, Socks4, Socks5 or Http.

Server name

Type the IP or name of the proxy server, if Socks4, Socks5 or Http is selected as the proxy type.


Type the port of the proxy server, if Socks4, Socks5 or Http is selected as the proxy type.

User name (if the proxy requires authentication)

Type the proxy username.

Password (if the proxy requires authentication)

Type the proxy password.

5. Path Mapping


Displays the path to the local workspace of the Eclipse project.


Type the path of the Eclipse project in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Repository.


Click to bring up the Add to Dynamsoft SAW Hosted project dialog. You can select an existing Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted project or create a new one.

6. Your project is now configured for using Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Plug-in.

Now if you right click context menu on the project and select Team, you will see some additional Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted plug-in functions.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted plug-in actions are also available from the main menu and toolbar if Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Plug-in menu and shortcuts is enabled. The actions will be invoked on the current active editor or the current selection if there is no active editor.

The context menu option will vary depending on the status of the file. If an option isn't available, but it should be, always try to do a refresh and see what happens.

All errors within the plug-in can be viewed by clicking Window menu > Show View > Error Log or in the Eclipse log-file located at (your workspace)\.metadata\.log.

How to use the plug-in

1. Basic Functions

History Options

Allows you to specify the date range or user for filtering the file history.

History Of File


Displays the content of the file with the default editor.


Displays the details of the selected history item of the file, including the version number, date, user, label, etc.


Gets the file to your workspace.


You can compare the selected version of the file with the local copy in workspace, or to any other version of the file. To compare two different versions of a file, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the two versions of interest. Then click the Diff button.

For more details about the basic functions of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted plug-in, please refer to the help file of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted.

2. View Status Messages

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Message window displays the status message of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted. To enable the window, select Window ->Show View -> Other -> Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted.


3. Customizing Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted plug-in

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted options can be found under Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Option.

For information on each item of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted plug-in options, please refer to the CHM help file of Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted.

4. Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted Plug-in menu and shortcuts

To enable Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted plug-in menu and shortcuts, select Window -> Customize Perspective.





5. Label Decorations

To enable status showing for each item in the project, select Window -> Preferences -> Workbench -> Label Decorations.