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Branch Files/Projects

See Also

Breaks the share link while retaining a copy of the file, or copies the selected history version of an item to a location you specify.

There are two kinds of Branch in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted:

Share Branch

Branching a shared file is called Share Branch in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted. Share Branch breaks the share links and retains a copy of the file at the location it was branched. After a shared file is branched in one project, it becomes independent from all other projects. In another word, any changes made to the file in that project will not affect the file in other projects.

How to branch a shared file:

How to branch a shared project:

1. Select the project you want to branch.

2. Click Branch button on the toolbar or select the Branch command from the Source menu. Check the Recursive check box to branch the project recursively.

3. Enter a comment in the Branch Comment dialog box, if you'd like to add a comment for the branch.

4. Click OK to branch the project.

Note: Share Branches on a project is applied to all shared files within the project.

History Branch

Branch command also allows you to branch any history version of an item, even though it was not shared. This is called History Branch in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted. This command may be perform in History Explorer dialog box or Show Labels dialog box.

History Branch copies the selected history version of an item to a new location you specify. In Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted, the history of an item is retained after it is branched at a particular version. For example, if a file has 10 versions and is branched at version 5, the new branch of the file will begin its life at version 5 (meaning that versions 1 through 5 of the branch are the same as the branched file).

How to branch a history version of an item

1. In the History Explorer or Show Labels dialog box, select a version of the item you want to branch.

2. Click Branch button.

3. In the Branch dialog box, select a destination project you want to branch the item to.

4. Enter a comment in the Branch Comment dialog box, if you'd like to add a comment for the branch.

5. Click OK.