Annotate Command (File Menu)
See Also

Command Remarks
Displays the information of
each section of a file, including
version number, modifying time, and the name of users modifying the file.
You can annotate either the
current version in the repository or a history version of a file. The current
version of a file may be the most recent version or the pinned version of the
file. After a file is annotated, you can see all the modifying information from
the first version to the version you annotated.
Access Rights
Any Dynamsoft SAW Hosted user can use this command.
Dialog Box Items
The left pane
Displays the version number, the name of end user modifying and the
modifying time of a single line of file.
The right pane
Displays the content of specified version.
Note: This command can only be performed at the file level and is only
available for mergeable files.