Service Relation Settings (Connecting to my cache server) Dialog Box
See Also
Establishes or edits a service relation between between two cache servers.
In the Service Relation window, clicking Add or Edit button will bring up the Service Relation Settings dialog box:
Dialog Box Items
Cache server IP and port Panel
Specifies the IP address of this cache server.
Specifies the port of this cache server.
Specifies the encryption type of this cache server, SSL or Unencrypted. If the encryption type is set to SSL, the data transfer between the client and this cache server will be secured with SSL encryption, and you need to generate the SSL root certificate in SSL Root Certificate section.
Server IP and port Panel
Server IP
Specifies the IP address of another cache server to which this cache server will connect to.
Server port
Specifies the IP address of another cache server to which this cache server will connect to.
Network options Panel
Use Delta transfer for data transferIf this option is checked, Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted will use Delta Transfer technology to transfer data.
Specifies the connection type. Available options are Local Connection, Broad Band Connection and Narrow Band Connection. Proper selection of this option will speed up network operations.