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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.


The SimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings struct contains settings for document normalization. It is a sub-parameter of SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings

typedef struct tagSimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings
    GrayscaleTransformationMode grayscaleTransformationModes[8];     
    GrayscaleEnhancementMode grayscaleEnhancementModes[8];     
    ImageColourMode colourMode;    
    int pageSize[2];    
    int brightness;    
    int contrast;    
    int maxThreadsInOneTask;    
    int scaleDownThreshold;    
    char reserved[512];
} SimplifiedDocumentNormalizerSettings;

Attributes Summary

Attribute Type
grayscaleTransformationModes GrayscaleTransformationMode[8]
grayscaleEnhancementModes GrayscaleEnhancementMode[8]
colourMode int
pageSize int[2]
brightness int
contrast int
maxThreadsInOneTask int
scaleDownThreshold int
reserved char[508]


Set the grayscale transformation modes with an array of enumeration GrayscaleTransformationMode. View the reference page of GrayscaleTransformationMode for more detail about grayscale transformation modes.

GrayscaleTransformationMode grayscaleTransformationModes[8];


Set the grayscale enhancement modes with an array of enumeration GrayscaleEnhancementMode. View the reference page of GrayscaleEnhancementMode for more detail about grayscale enhancement modes.

GrayscaleEnhancementMode grayscaleEnhancementModes[8];


Set the output image colour mode.

ImageColourMode colourMode;

Value Range


Default value



Set the page size (width by height in pixels) of the normalized image.

int pageSize[2];


Set the brightness of the normalized image.

int brightness;

Value Range


Default value



Set the contrast of the normalized image.

int contrast   

Value Range


Default value



Set the maximum available threads count in one document normalization task.

int maxThreadsInOneTask;

Value Range

[1, 256]

Default value



To keep a balance between speed and quality, the library concurrently runs four different threads by default.


Sets the threshold for the image shrinking.

int scaleDownThreshold;

Value Range

[512, 0x7fffffff]

Default Value



If the shorter edge size is larger than the given threshold value, the library will calculate the required height and width of the barcode image and shrink the image to that size before detection. Otherwise, the library will perform document detection on the original image.


Reserved for future use.

char reserved[508];

version 2.2.10

  • version 2.4.10
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.2.0
    • Version 2.0.20
    • Version 2.0.10
    • Version 2.0.0
  • Version 1.x
    • Version 1.0.20
    • Version 1.0.10
    • Version 1.0.0
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