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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Setting Methods

Method Description
InitRuntimeSettingsFromFile Initializes runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.
InitRuntimeSettingsFromString Initializes runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string.
OutputRuntimeSettingsToFile Output runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).
OutputRuntimeSettingsToString Output runtime settings to a string.


Initializes runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON file.

int dynamsoft::ddn::CDocumentNormalizer::InitRuntimeSettingsFromFile(const char* pFilePath, char errorMsgBuffer[] = NULL, const int errorMsgBufferLen = 0)


[in] pFilePath The path of the settings file.

[in, out] errorMsgBuffer Optional The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommended length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.

[in] errorMsgBufferLen Optional The length of the allocated buffer.

Return Value

Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).

Code Snippet

CDocumentNormalizer ddn;
char szErrorMsg[256];
ddn.InitRuntimeSettingsFromFile("YOUR-SOURCE-FILE-PATH", szErrorMsg, 256);


Initializes runtime settings with the settings in a given JSON string.

int dynamsoft::ddn::CDocumentNormalizer::InitRuntimeSettingsFromString(const char* content, char errorMsgBuffer[] = NULL, const int errorMsgBufferLen = 0)


[in] content A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.

[in, out] errorMsgBuffer Optional The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommended length is 256. The error message will be copied to the buffer.

[in] errorMsgBufferLen Optional The length of the allocated buffer.

Return Value

Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).

Code Snippet

CDocumentNormalizer ddn;
char szErrorMsg[256];
ddn.InitRuntimeSettingsFromString("YOUR-SETTINGS-STRING", szErrorMsg, 256);


Output runtime settings to a settings file (JSON file).

int dynamsoft::ddn::CDocumentNormalizer::OutputRuntimeSettingsToFile(const char* templateName, const char* filePath)


[in] templateName A unique name for declaring the runtime settings to be output.

[in] filePath The path of the output file used for storing current settings.

Return Value

Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).

You can call DC_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

CDocumentNormalizer ddn;
ddn.OutputRuntimeSettingsToFile("", "YOUR-TARGET-FILE-PATH");


Output runtime settings to a string.

int dynamsoft::ddn::CDocumentNormalizer::OutputRuntimeSettingsToString(const char* templateName, char** content)


[in] templateName A unique name for declaring the runtime settings to be output.

[in, out] content The output string which stores the contents of current settings.

Return Value

Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).

You can call DC_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

CDocumentNormalizer ddn;
char* content = NULL;
ddn.OutputRuntimeSettingsToString("", &content);
// something with the content
if (content != NULL)

Version 2.4.10

    • version 2.4.10
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.2.10
      • Version 2.2.0
      • Version 2.0.20
      • Version 2.0.10
      • Version 2.0.0
    • Version 1.x
      • Version 1.0.20
      • Version 1.0.10
      • Version 1.0.0
    Change +