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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Detecting and Normalizing Methods

Method Description
DetectQuad Detects quad from source image.
Normalize Normalizes the source image.


Detects quad from source image.

int dynamsoft::ddn::CDocumentNormalizer::DetectQuad(const char* sourceFilePath, const char* templateName, CDetectedQuadResultArray** result)

int dynamsoft::ddn::CDocumentNormalizer::DetectQuad(const CImageData* sourceImage, const char* templateName, CDetectedQuadResultArray** result)


[in] sourceFilePath A string defining the source file path. It supports BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and PDF files.

[in] sourceImage The source image buffer.

[in] templateName The template name. A template name is the value of key ImageParameter.Name defined in JSON formatted settings. If no template name is specified, current runtime settings will be used.

[out] result An array of all detected quad results. It is allocated by the SDK and should be freed by calling function FreeDetectedQuadResultArray.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).

You can call DC_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

int errorCode = 0;
char szErrorMsg[256];
errorCode = CLicenseManager::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", szErrorMsg, 256);
//...handle the errorCode
CDocumentNormalizer ddn;
CDetectedQuadResultArray* detectedQuadResultArray = NULL;
errorCode = ddn.DetectQuad("YOUR-SOURCE-FILE-PATH", "", &detectedQuadResultArray);
//generate imageData from somewhere else
//errorCode = ddn.DetectQuad(imageData, "", &detectedQuadResultArray);
// something with the detectedQuadResultArray and errorCode


Normalizes the source image.

int dynamsoft::ddn::CDocumentNormalizer::Normalize(const char* sourceFilePath, const char* templateName, const CQuadrilateral* quad, CNormalizedImageResult** result)

int dynamsoft::ddn::CDocumentNormalizer::Normalize( const CImageData* sourceImage, const char* templateName, const CQuadrilateral* quad, CNormalizedImageResult ** result)


[in] sourceFilePath A string defining the source file path. It supports BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and PDF files.

[in] sourceImage The source image buffer.

[in] templateName The template name. A template name is the value of key ImageParameter.Name defined in JSON formatted settings. If no template name is specified, current runtime settings will be used.

[in] quad The quadrilateral representing the boundary of the content to be normalized.

[out] result The normalized image result. It is allocated by the SDK and should be freed by calling function FreeNormalizedImageResult.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).

You can call DC_GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

int errorCode = 0;
char szErrorMsg[256];
errorCode = CLicenseManager::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", szErrorMsg, 256);
//...handle the errorCode
CDocumentNormalizer ddn;
CNormalizedImageResult* normalizedResult = NULL;
errorCode = ddn.Normalize("YOUR-SOURCE-FILE-PATH", "", NULL, &normalizedResult);
//generate imageData from somewhere else
//errorCode = ddn.Normalize(imageData, "", NULL, &normalizedResult);
// something with the normalizedResult and errorCode

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