Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.
Parameter Reference
Capture Vision Template
Parameter Name | Description |
Name |
Represents the name of the top-level objects in Dynamsoft Capture Vision Parameter Template, which serves as its unique identifier. |
ImageROIProcessingNameArray |
Defines the collection of image ROI processing object names, used to refer to the TargetROIDef objects. |
ImageSourceName |
Indicates the input source name, used to refer to the ImageSource object. |
MinImageCaptureInterval |
Specifies the minimum time interval (in milliseconds) allowed between consecutive image captures. |
MaxParallelTasks |
Defines the maximum number of parallel tasks for the DCV runtime. |
OutputOriginalImage |
Indicates whether DCV finally outputs the original input image. |
SemanticProcessingNameArray |
Represents the collection of semantic-processing object names, used to refer to the SematicProcessing objects. |
Timeout |
Defines the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that should be spent processing each image or frame. |
Target ROI Def
Parameter Name | Description |
Name |
Represents the name of the top-level objects in Dynamsoft Capture Vision Parameter Template, which serves as its unique identifier. |
BaseTargetROIDefName |
Represents the name of another TargetROIDef object to inherit from. |
Location |
Defines the location of the TargetROI with reference objects filter conditions and offset parameters. |
PauseFlag |
Indicates that the region results generated by this TargetROIDef will not be used by other TargetROIDef objects that depend on it to calculate the target regions, unless the user explicitly performs an update operation. |
TaskSettingNameArray |
Parameter TaskSettingNameArray represents the collection of task setting object names, used to refer to the DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting objects. |
Document Normalizer Task Setting
Parameter Name | Description |
Name |
Represents the name of the top-level objects in Dynamsoft Capture Vision Parameter Template, which serves as its unique identifier. |
BaseDocumentNormalizerTaskSettingName |
Represents the name of another DocumentNormalizerTaskSetting object to inherit from. |
Brightness |
Defines the brightness of the normalized image. |
ColourMode |
Defines the output colour mode of the normalized image. |
ContentType |
Defines which contents are the targeting objects. |
Contrast |
Defines the contrast of the normalized image. |
CornerAngleRange |
Defines the range of angles (in degrees) of the extracted corners. |
DeskewMode |
Defines the method in which the deskew process way used to apply the deskew process on the target normalized image. |
ExpectedDocumentsCount |
Defines the the number of documents expected to be detected. |
LineExtractionModes |
Defines the algorithm used to extract lines. |
PageSize |
Defines the page size (width by height in pixels) of the normalized image. |
QuadrilateralDetectionModes |
Defines the quadrilateral detection process on an image. |
MaxThreadsInOneTask |
Defines the maximum threads that can be consumed in one task. |
SectionImageParameterArray |
Defines the image processing algorithms that implemented in the task. |
StartSection |
Defines the start section of the algorithm task. |
TerminateSetting |
Defines the terminate stages of the task. |
Parameter Name | Description |
Name |
Represents the name of the top-level objects in Dynamsoft Capture Vision Parameter Template, which serves as its unique identifier. |
BaseImageParameterName |
Represents the name of another ImageParameter object to inherit from. |
BinarizationModes |
Defines the process of binarization |
ColourConversionModes |
Defines how to convert a colour image to a grayscale image. |
GrayscaleEnhancementModes |
Defines the image processing methods to enhance the quality of the grayscale image. |
GrayscaleTransformationModes |
Defines whether or not to invert the color of the grayscale image. |
IfEraseTextZone |
Defines whether to erase the detected text zone. |
RegionPredetectionModes |
Defines how to find a region of interest (ROI) within the image or frame. |
ScaleDownThreshold |
Defines the threshold for image shrinking. |
ScaleUpModes |
Defines the scale-up process when targets in the image are too small. |
TextDetectionMode |
Defines how to detect the text area. |
TextureDetectionModes |
Defines how to detect texture on an image. |
Image Source
Parameter Name | Description |
Name |
Represents the name of the top-level objects in Dynamsoft Capture Vision Parameter Template, which serves as its unique identifier. |
FileFilter |
Defines a file name filter string, which determines which files are fetched. |
Pages |
Sets the 0-based page indexes of a file (.tiff or .pdf) for barcode searching. |
PDFReadingMode |
Defines how to handle PDF files. |
Recursive |
Defines whether to fetch files recursively. |
Type |
Defines the type of the ImageSource object, which helps CVR create the correct type of image source. |
Global Parameter
Parameter Name | Description |
MaxTotalImageDimension |
Defines the maximum total dimension of the images that read in the memory |