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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.


A CodeParser takes code data in forms of byte array or plain string as input and returns parsed results. The following code snippet shows its basic usage:

let parser = await Dynamsoft.DCP.CodeParser.createInstance();
let result = await parser.parseData(code);

API Index

Create and Destroy

API Name Description
createInstance() Creates a CodeParser instance.
destroyContext() Destroys the CodeParser instance in WASM.

Set Code Format

API Name Description
setCodeFormat() Sets input code’s format.

Parse Code Data

API Name Description
parseData() Parses code data for readable results.


Creates a CodeParser instance.

static createInstance(): Promise<CodeParser>

Return Value

A promise resolving to the created CodeParser object.

Code Snippet

let reader = await Dynamsoft.DCP.CodeParser.createInstance();


Destroys the CodeParser instance in WASM. If your page needs to create new instances from time to time, don’t forget to destroy unused old instances.

destroyContext(): void

Code Snippet

let parser = await Dynamsoft.DCP.CodeParser.createInstance();
// ... parse ...


Sets the code format that needs parsing. See EnumCodeFormat to check if it has the code format you are looking for.

setCodeFormat(format: EnumCodeFormat): Promise<void> 


format: specifies the code’s format represented by EnumCodeFormat.

Return Value

A promise that resolves when the operation succeeds.

Code Snippet

await parser.setCodeFormat(Dynamsoft.DCP.EnumCodeFormat.CF_AUTO);
// ... parse ...


Parses the code into readable info.

parseData(source: number[] | Uint8Array | string): Promise<ParseResult> 


source: specifies the code data represented by a numder[], Uint8Array or string.

Return Value

A promise resolving to a ParseResult object which contains the parsing result.

Code Snippet

await parser.parseData(YOUR-CODE-THAT-NEEDS-PARSING);

See Also

Version 2.2.10

    • version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.x
      • Version 2.0.20
    • Version 1.x
      • Version 1.1.0
      • Version 1.0.2
    Change +