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The CFileFetcher class is a utility class that partitions a multi-page image file into multiple independent ImageData objects. It inherits from the CImageSourceAdapter class.


Namespace: dynamsoft::utility

Assembly: DynamsoftUtility

class CFileFetcher : public CImageSourceAdapter

Methods Summary

Method Description
SetFile Sets the file using a file path, file bytes or an CImageData object.
SetPDFReadingParameter Sets the parameters for reading PDF files.
SetPages Sets the 0-based page indexes of a file (.tiff or .pdf) for barcode searching.


Sets the file using a file path, file bytes or an CImageData object.

int SetFile(const char* path);
int SetFile(const unsigned char* pFileBytes,int fileSize);
int SetFile(const CImageData* imageData);


[in] path The file path.

[in] pFileBytes The file bytes.

[in] fileSize The file bytes length.

[in] imageData The image data object.

Return value

Returns an integer value that represents the success or failure of the operation.

Error Code Value Description
EC_NULL_POINTER -10002 The fileBytes you input is null.
EC_FILE_NOT_FOUND -10005 The file is not found.
EC_FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -10006 The file type is not supported.

See Also



Sets the parameters for reading PDF files.

int SetPDFReadingParameter(const CPDFReadingParameter& para)


[in] para The parameter object for reading PDF files.

Return value

Returns an integer value that represents the success or failure of the operation.

Error Code Value Description
EC_PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID -10038 There exists invalid parameter value in your JSON data.

See Also



Sets the 0-based page indexes of a file (.tiff or .pdf) for barcode searching. By default, there is no restriction on the number of pages that can be decoded in a single file.

int SetPages(const int pages[], int pagesCount)


[in] pages An integer array containing the page information to be set.

[in] pagesCount The number of elements in the array.

Return value

Returns an integer value that represents the success or failure of the operation.

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