Table of contents

SDK Overview: Modules and Main APIs

This page provides an overview of the various modules and highlights the most essential APIs that form the backbone of Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDKs.

Modules Summary

DynamsoftCaptureVisionBundle is a bundle package that includes all libraries of Dynamsoft Capture Vision (DCV) architecture. The DCV libraries work together to achieve barcode reading, MRZ recognizing, document scanning and other image processing features. The hierarchical structure diagram below illustrates the various modules of the DCV SDKs (with modules at the top depending on those below).


Modules hierarchical of the DCV SDK

The table below describes details the functionalities of these modules:

File Description
DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.xcframework The Dynamsoft Capture Vision Router module is the cornerstone of the Dynamsoft Capture Vision (DCV) architecture. It focuses on coordinating batch image processing and provides APIs for setting up image sources and result receivers, configuring workflows with parameters, and controlling processes.
DynamsoftBarcodeReader.xcframework(DBR) The Dynamsoft Barcode Reader module recognizes and decodes multiple barcode formats such as QR codes, Code 39, Code 128, and Data Matrix, among many others.
DynamsoftDocumentNormalizer.xcframework(DBR) The Dynamsoft Document Normalizer module extracts structural information from document images, including document boundaries, shadow areas, and text areas. It uses this information to generate normalized document images through processes such as deskewing, shadow removal, and distortion correction.
DynamsoftLabelRecognizer.xcframework (DLR) The Dynamsoft Label Recognizer module identifies and recognizes text labels such as passport MRZs, ID cards, and VIN numbers.
DynamsoftCore.xcframework The Dynamsoft Core module lays the foundation for Dynamsoft SDKs based on the DCV (Dynamsoft Capture Vision) architecture. It encapsulates the basic classes, interfaces, and enumerations shared by these SDKs.
DynamsoftImageProcessing.xcframework The Dynamsoft Image Processing module facilitates digital image processing and supports operations for other modules, including the Barcode Reader, Label Recognizer, and Document Normalizer.
DynamsoftNeuralNetwork.xcframework The Dynamsoft Neural Network module allows SDKs compliant with the DCV (Dynamsoft Capture Vision) architecture to leverage the power of deep learning when processing digital images.
DynamsoftLicense.xcframework The Dynamsoft License module manages the licensing aspects of Dynamsoft SDKs based on the DCV (Dynamsoft Capture Vision) architecture.
DynamsoftCameraEnhancer.xcframework The Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer (DCE) module controls the camera, transforming it into an image source for the DCV (Dynamsoft Capture Vision) architecture through ISA implementation. It also enhances image quality during acquisition and provides basic viewers for user interaction.
DynamsoftUtility.xcframework The Dynamsoft Utility module defines auxiliary classes, including the ImageManager, and implementations of the CRF (Captured Result Filter) and ISA (Image Source Adapter). These are shared by all Dynamsoft SDKs based on the DCV (Dynamsoft Capture Vision) architecture.
DynamsoftCodeParser.xcframework The Dynamsoft Code Parser module converts data strings, typically encrypted in barcodes and machine-readable zones, into human-readable information.
DynamsoftCodeParserDedicator.xcframework The Dynamsoft Code Parser Dedicator module provides auxiliary functionality to enhance and extend the capabilities of DCP module.

Main APIs

Capture Vision Router

The main class CaptureVisionRouter acts as the SDK entry point and provides the following essential APIs:

Image Source Adapter

The ImageSourceAdapter class is an abstract class representing an adapter for image sources, providing a framework for fetching, buffering, and managing images from various sources. It serves as the input for the CaptureVisionRouter. You can either use the typical implementations of ImageSourceAdapter or implement your own.

Class CameraEnhancer is one of the typical implementations of ImageSourceAdapter. It is a class that not only implements the video frame obtaining APIs but also enable you to improve the video quality by adjusting the camera settings.

Captured Result Receiver

Implement the callback methods of CapturedResultReceiver to receive the corresponding results you required. The callbacks are triggered when the processing of an image/vide frame is finished or timeout.

Barcode Decoding

Callback methods that are related to barcode decoding:

Related APIs:

Document Scanning

Callback methods that are related to document scanning:

Related APIs:

MRZ Scanning

Callback methods that are related to MRZ scanning:

Related APIs:

Camera View

CameraView is a view class that design for visualizing the real time video streaming and the barcode decoding result. If the CameraEnhancer is set as the input of your CVR, the decoded barcodes will be highlighted automatically on the CameraView.

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