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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.


The CIntermediateResultReceiver class is responsible for receiving intermediate results of different types. It provides virtual functions for each type of result, which are called when the corresponding result is received.


Namespace: dynamsoft::intermediate_results

Assembly: DynamsoftCore

class CIntermediateResultReceiver 

Methods Summary

Method Description
GetObservationParameters Gets the observation parameters of the intermediate result receiver.
OnTaskResultsReceived Called when a task result has been received.
OnPredetectedRegionsReceived Called when predetected regions have been received.
OnLocalizedBarcodesReceived Called when localized barcodes have been received.
OnDecodedBarcodesReceived Called when decoded barcodes have been received.
OnLocalizedTextLinesReceived Called when localized text lines have been received.
OnRecognizedTextLinesReceived Called when recognized text lines have been received.
OnDetectedQuadsReceived Called when detected quadrilaterals have been received.
OnNormalizedImagesReceived Called when normalized images have been received.
OnColourImageUnitReceived Called when colour image units have been received.
OnScaledDownColourImageUnitReceived Called when scaled down colour image units have been received.
OnGrayscaleImageUnitReceived Called when grayscale image units have been received.
OnTransformedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived Called when transformed grayscale image units have been received.
OnEnhancedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived Called when enhanced grayscale image units have been received.
OnBinaryImageUnitReceived Called when binary image units have been received.
OnTextureDetectionResultUnitReceived Called when texture detection result units have been received.
OnTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived Called when texture removed grayscale image units have been received.
OnTextureRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived Called when texture removed binary image units have been received.
OnContoursUnitReceived Called when contour units have been received.
OnLineSegmentsUnitReceived Called when line segment units have been received.
OnTextZonesUnitReceived Called when text zone units have been received.
OnTextRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived Called when text removed binary image units have been received.
OnLongLinesUnitReceived Called when long line units have been received.
OnCornersUnitReceived Called when corner units have been received.
OnCandidateQuadEdgesUnitReceived Called when candidate quadrilateral edge units have been received.
OnCandidateBarcodeZonesUnitReceived Called when candidate barcode zone units have been received.
OnScaledUpBarcodeImageUnitReceived Called when scaled up barcode image units have been received.
OnDeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnitReceived Called when deformation resisted barcode image units have been received.
OnComplementedBarcodeImageUnitReceived Called when complemented barcode image units have been received.


Gets the observation parameters of the intermediate result receiver.

CObservationParameters* GetObservationParameters()

Return value

Returns the object of CObservationParameters. The default parameters are to observe all intermediate result unit types and all tasks.


Called when a task result has been received.

virtual void OnTaskResultsReceived(const CIntermediateResult *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the CIntermediateResult object that contains several result units.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when predetected regions have been received.

virtual void OnPredetectedRegionsReceived(CPredetectedRegionsUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the CPredetectedRegionsUnit object that contains the result.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when localized barcodes have been received.

virtual void OnLocalizedBarcodesReceived(dbr::intermediate_results::CLocalizedBarcodesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the CLocalizedBarcodesUnit object that contains the result.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when decoded barcodes have been received.

virtual void OnDecodedBarcodesReceived(dbr::intermediate_results::CDecodedBarcodesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the CDecodedBarcodesUnit object that contains the result.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when localized text lines have been received.

virtual void OnLocalizedTextLinesReceived(dlr::intermediate_results::CLocalizedTextLinesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the CLocalizedTextLinesUnit object that contains the result.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when recognized text lines have been received.

virtual void OnRecognizedTextLinesReceived(dlr::intermediate_results::CRecognizedTextLinesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the CRecognizedTextLinesUnit object that contains the result.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when detected quadrilaterals have been received.

virtual void OnDetectedQuadsReceived(ddn::intermediate_results::CDetectedQuadsUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the CDetectedQuadsUnit object that contains the result.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when normalized images have been received.

virtual void OnNormalizedImagesReceived(ddn::intermediate_results::CNormalizedImagesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the CNormalizedImagesUnit object that contains the result.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when colour image units have been received.

virtual void OnColourImageUnitReceived(CColourImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received colour image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of a scaled-down colour image unit.

virtual void OnScaledDownColourImageUnitReceived(CScaledDownColourImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received scaled-down colour image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of a grayscale image unit.

virtual void OnGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(CGrayscaleImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received grayscale image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of a transformed grayscale image unit.

virtual void OnTransformedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(CTransformedGrayscaleImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received transformed grayscale image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of an enhanced grayscale image unit.

virtual void OnEnhancedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(CEnhancedGrayscaleImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received enhanced grayscale image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of a binary image unit.

virtual void OnBinaryImageUnitReceived(CBinaryImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received binary image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of a texture detection result unit.

virtual void OnTextureDetectionResultUnitReceived(CTextureDetectionResultUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received texture detection result unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of a texture-removed grayscale image unit.

virtual void OnTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnitReceived(CTextureRemovedGrayscaleImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received texture-removed grayscale image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of a texture-removed binary image unit.

virtual void OnTextureRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived(CTextureRemovedBinaryImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the received texture-removed binary image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Handles the receipt of a contours unit.

virtual void OnContoursUnitReceived(CContoursUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the contours unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a line segments unit is received.

virtual void OnLineSegmentsUnitReceived(CLineSegmentsUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the line segments unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a text zones unit is received.

virtual void OnTextZonesUnitReceived(CTextZonesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the text zones unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a text removed binary image unit is received.

virtual void OnTextRemovedBinaryImageUnitReceived(CTextRemovedBinaryImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the text removed binary image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a long lines unit is received.

virtual void OnLongLinesUnitReceived(ddn::intermediate_results::CLongLinesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the long lines unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a corners unit is received.

virtual void OnCornersUnitReceived(ddn::intermediate_results::CCornersUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the corners unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a candidate quad edges unit is received.

virtual void OnCandidateQuadEdgesUnitReceived(ddn::intermediate_results::CCandidateQuadEdgesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the candidate quad edges unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a candidate barcode zones unit is received.

virtual void OnCandidateBarcodeZonesUnitReceived(dbr::intermediate_results::CCandidateBarcodeZonesUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the candidate barcode zones unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a scaled up barcode image unit is received.

virtual void OnScaledUpBarcodeImageUnitReceived(dbr::intermediate_results::CScaledUpBarcodeImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the scaled up barcode image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a deformation resisted barcode image unit is received.

virtual void OnDeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnitReceived(dbr::intermediate_results::CDeformationResistedBarcodeImageUnit *pResult, const IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the deformation resisted barcode image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.


Called when a complemented barcode image unit is received.

virtual void OnComplementedBarcodeImageUnitReceived(dbr::intermediate_results::CComplementedBarcodeImageUnit *pResultconst IntermediateResultExtraInfo* info)


[in] pResult A pointer to the complemented barcode image unit.

[in] info A pointer to the IntermediateResultExtraInfo object that contains the extra info of intermediate result.

version 3.0.10

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