Resource Base
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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.


The DSCapturedResult class represents the result of a capture operation on an image. Internally, DSCapturedResult stores an array that contains multiple items, each of which may be a barcode, text line, detected quad, normalized image, original image, parsed item, etc.


Assembly: DynamsoftCore.framework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSCapturedResult : NSObject
  2. class CapturedResult : NSObject


Attributes Type Description
originalImageHashId NSString * The hash id of the original image. You can use this ID to get the original image via IntermediateResultManager class.
originalImageTag DSImageTag The DSImageTag of the original image that records information such as the image ID of the original image.
items NSArray<DSCapturedResultItem> ** An array of DSCapturedResultItems, which are the basic unit of the captured results. A DSCapturedResultItem can be a original image, a decoded barcode, a recognized text, a detected quad, a normalized image or a parsed result. View DSCapturedResultItemType for all available types.
rotationTransformMatrix CGAffineTransform The rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image.


The hash ID of the original image which can be used to get the original image via the IntermediateResultManager class.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *originalImageHashId;
  2. var originalImageHashId: String { get }


The DSImageTag of the original image that records information such as the image ID of the original image.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, readonly) DSImageTag *originalImageTag;
  2. var originalImageTag: ImageTag { get }


An array of DSCapturedResultItem, which is the basic unit of the captured results. A DSCapturedResultItem can be an original image, a decoded barcode, a recognized text, a detected quad, a normalized image, or a parsed result. View DSCapturedResultItemType for all available types.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable, readonly) NSArray<DSCapturedResultItem *> *items;
  2. var items: [CapturedResultItem]? { get }


The rotation transformation matrix of the original image relative to the rotated image. View CGAffineTransform for more info.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGAffineTransform rotationTransformMatrix;
  2. var rotationTransformMatrix: CGAffineTransform { get }

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version 3.0.10

  • version 2.2.30
  • Version 2.x
    • Version 2.2.10
    • Version 2.0.21
    • Version 2.0.20
    • Version 2.0.10
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