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Notice: This documentation is archived. For the latest product features and documentation, please visit Dynamsoft Capture Vision Documentation.

Enumeration DeblurMode

DeblurMode specifies the image processing algorithms applied to the localized zones containing barcodes, aimed at generating a binary image for extracting barcode data during the final phase of the barcode decoding process.

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enum EnumDeblurMode {
    /** Skips the process, no deblurring is applied. */
    DM_SKIP = 0x00,
    /** Applies a direct binarization algorithm for generating the binary image. */
    /** Utilizes a threshold binarization algorithm for generating the binary image, dynamically determining the threshold based on the image content. */
    /** Employs a gray equalization algorithm to adjust the contrast and brightness, improving the clarity of the gray-scale image before binarization. */
    /** Implements a smoothing algorithm to reduce noise and artifacts, smoothing out the gray-scale image before binarization. */
    DM_SMOOTHING = 0x08,
    /** Uses a morphing algorithm to enhance the gray-scale image before binarization. */
    DM_MORPHING = 0x10,
    /** Engages in a deep analysis of the grayscale image based on the barcode format to intelligently generate the optimized binary image, tailored to complex or severely blurred images. */
    DM_DEEP_ANALYSIS = 0x20,
    /** Applies a sharpening algorithm to enhance the edges and details of the barcode, making it more distinguishable on the gray-scale image before binarization. */
    DM_SHARPENING = 0x40,
    /** Decodes the barcodes based on the binary image obtained during the localization process. */
    DM_BASED_ON_LOC_BIN = 0x80,
    /** Combines sharpening and smoothing algorithms for a comprehensive deblurring effect, targeting both clarity and smoothness of the gray-scale image before binarization. */
    /** Reserved for future use. */
    DM_REV = -2147483648
public @interface EnumDeblurMode {
   /** Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm. */
   public static final int DM_DIRECT_BINARIZATION = 0x01;
   /** Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm. */
   public static final int DM_THRESHOLD_BINARIZATION = 0x02;
   /** Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm. */
   public static final int DM_GRAY_EQUALIZATION = 0x04;
   /** Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm. */
   public static final int DM_SMOOTHING = 0x08;
   /** Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm. */
   public static final int DM_MORPHING = 0x10;
   /** Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm. */
   public static final int DM_DEEP_ANALYSIS = 0x20;
   /** Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm. */
   public static final int DM_SHARPENING = 0x40;
   /** Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process. */
   public static final int DM_BASED_ON_LOC_BIN = 0x80;
   /** Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm. */
   public static final int DM_SHARPENING_SMOOTHING = 0x100;
   /**Reserved setting for deblur mode.*/
   public static final int DM_REV = -2147483648;
   /**Skips the deblur process.*/
   public static final int DM_SKIP = 0x00
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger , DSDeblurMode)
   /**Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm.*/
   DSDeblurModeDirectBinarization = 0x01,
   /**Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm.*/
   DSDeblurModeThresholdBinarization = 0x02,
   /**Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm.*/
   DSDeblurModeGrayEqualization = 0x04,
   /**Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm.*/
   DSDeblurModeSmoothing = 0x08,
   /**Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm.*/
   DSDeblurModeMorphing = 0x10,
   /**Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm.*/
   DSDeblurModeDeepAnalysis = 0x20,
   /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm.*/
   DSDeblurModeSharpening = 0x40,
   /**Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process.*/
   DSDeblurModeBasedOnLocBin = 0x80,
   /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm.*/
   DSDeblurModeSharpeningSmoothing = 0x100,
   /**Reserved setting for deblur mode.*/
   DSDeblurModeRev = -2147483648,
   /**Skips the deblur process.*/
   DSDeblurModeSkip = 0x00
public enum DeblurMode : Int
   /**Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm.*/
   directBinarization = 0x01
   /**Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm.*/
   thresholdBinarization = 0x02
   /**Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm.*/
   grayEqualization = 0x04
   /**Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm.*/
   smoothing = 0x08
   /**Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm.*/
   morphing = 0x10
   /**Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm.*/
   deepAnalysis = 0x20
   /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm.*/
   sharpening = 0x40
   /**Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process.*/
   basedOnLocBin = 0x80
   /**Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm.*/
   sharpeningSmoothing = 0x100
   /**Reserved setting for deblur mode.*/
   rev = -2147483648
   /**Skips the deblur process.*/
   skip = 0x00
typedef enum DeblurMode
   /** Performs deblur process using the direct binarization algorithm. */
   /** Performs deblur process using the threshold binarization algorithm. */
   /** Performs deblur process using the gray equalization algorithm. */
   /** Performs deblur process using the smoothing algorithm. */
   DM_SMOOTHING = 0x08,
   /** Performs deblur process using the morphing algorithm. */
   DM_MORPHING = 0x10,
   /** Performs deblur process using the deep analysis algorithm. */
   /** Performs deblur process using the sharpening algorithm. */
   DM_SHARPENING = 0x40,
   /** Performs deblur process based on the binary image from the localization process. */
   DM_BASED_ON_LOC_BIN = 0x80,
   /** Performs deblur process using the sharpening and smoothing algorithm. */
   /** Reserved setting for deblur mode. */
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
   DM_REV = 0x80000000,
   DM_REV = -2147483648,
   /**Skips the deblur process. */
   DM_SKIP = 0x00

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