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This is the archived documentation for 7.6.0. If you are using the latest version 10.4.3100, please visit this link.

Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK - Javascript BarcodeScanner Methods

The BarcodeScanner class is used for video decoding.

Initialize and Destroy

The following methods are related to initializing and destroying the BarcodeScanner object.

Method Description
createInstance() Create a BarcodeScanner object.
destroy() Destroy the BarcodeScanner object.
getUIElement() Get HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner object.
setUIElement() Set html element containing the BarcodeScanner object.

Camera Controls

The following methods are related to controlling the camera and its settings.

Method Description
getAllCameras() Get information of all available cameras on the device.
getCurrentCamera() Get information about the currently used camera.
setCurrentCamera() Set camera by its information or device ID.
hide() Stop the camera and hide the camera UI element.
show() Show the camera UI element, open the camera, and start decoding.
close() Close and release the camera.
isOpen() Check if the camera is open.
open() Open the camera.
pause() Pause the video stream.
play() Continue the video stream.
stop() Stop the video and release the camera.
pauseScan() Pause the video decoding process.
resumeScan() Resume the video decoding process.

Capture Settings

The following methods are related to the camera’s capture settings.

Method Description
getCapabilities() Get the camera capabilities.
getResolution() Get current video resolution.
setResolution() Set current video resolution.
getScanSettings() Get current scan settings.
updateScanSettings() Modify and update scan settings.
getVideoSettings() Get current video settings.
updateVideoSettings() Modify and update video settings.
setColorTemperature() Adjust the video colour temperature.
setExposureCompensation() Adjust the video exposure level.
setFrameRate() Adjust the video frame rate.
setZoom() Adjust the video zoom ratio.
turnOffTorch() Turn off the torch/flashlight.
turnOnTorch() Turn on the torch/flashlight.

Runtime Settings

The following methods are related to customizing runtime settings.

Method Description
updateRuntimeSettings() Modify and update the current runtime settings.

Inherited Methods

The following methods are inherited from the BarcodeReader class.

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