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DSLocalizedBarcodeElement Class

The DSLocalizedBarcodeElement class represents a localized barcode element detected in an image. It is inherited from DSRegionObjectElement class.


Assembly: DynamsoftBarcodeReader.xcframework

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @interface DSLocalizedBarcodeElement : DSRegionObjectElement
  2. class LocalizedBarcodeElement : RegionObjectElement


DSLocalizedBarcodeElement inherits from DSRegionObjectElement.


Attributes Type Description
possibleFormats DSBarcodeFormat All possible formats of the localized barcode.
possibleFormatsString NSString * All possible formats of the localized barcode in one string. Splited by “,”.
confidence NSInteger The confidence of the localized barcode zone. It represents the confidence that the positioning area is a barcode.
angle NSInteger The angle of the localized barcode zone.
moduleSize NSInteger The module size of the localized barcode.

The following attributes are inherited from class DSRegionObjectElement.

Attributes Type Description
location DSQuadrilateral * The location info of the element that defined in DSQuadrilateral.
referencedElement DSRegionObjectElement * The referenced element that supports the capturing of this element.
regionObjectElementType DSRegionObjectElementType The type of the element.


All possible formats of the localized barcode.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) DSBarcodeFormat possibleFormats;
  2. var possibleFormats: DSBarcodeFormat { get }


All possible formats of the localized barcode in one string. Splited by “,”.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable, readonly) NSString *possibleFormatsString;
  2. var possibleFormatsString: String? { get }


The confidence of the localized barcode zone. It represents the confidence that the positioning area is a barcode.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger confidence;
  2. var confidence: Int { get }


The angle of the localized barcode zone.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger angle;
  2. var angle: Int { get }


The module size of the localized barcode.

  • Objective-C
  • Swift
  1. @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger moduleSize;
  2. var moduleSize: Int { get }

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